% This is how you can plot your own data on the bode plot % If the phase part doesn't work right, try reversing hv(1) and hv(2) % it could be a little tricky if the phase axis does not always take % the same position in the Children handles array clear, format compact; R2i=2.2E3; C2f=0.47E-6; R2f=4.7E3; C3f=0.47E-6; R3i=2.2E3 h2=tf([-R2f], [R2i*R2f*C2f R2i]) h3=tf([-1], [R3i*C3f 0]) % This system will change depending on which output you are looking at sys1=feedback(-h2*h3, 1, +1) bode(sys1,{10,7e3}) % Enter your own measured magnitudes and phases here. Mag should be in dB % and frequency should be in rad/sec to match the Bode plot above! f = []; mag = []; ph = []; hold on; hv=get(gcf, 'Children') set(gcf, 'CurrentAxes', hv(2)); plot(f, mag, '*'); hv=get(gcf, 'Children') set(gcf, 'CurrentAxes', hv(1)); hold on; plot(f, ph, '*'); hold off;