Installing IPython

IPython, together with the required packages for the course, can be installed as follows.


Download linux installer. Open a terminal and change directory to the folder you have downloaded the installation script. Run the terminal command:

bash && source ~/.bashrc

This operation does not require admin privileges. After the script completes, restart the terminal. In the terminal, run the command

conda update pip -y

You can verify installation as described in validating installation.


Download osx installer. Open a terminal and change directory to the folder you have downloaded the installation script. Run the terminal command:

bash && source ~/.bash_profile

This operation does not require admin privileges. After the script completes, restart the terminal (be sure to quit the terminal, and not just hide). In the terminal, run the command

conda update pip -y

You can verify installation as described in validating installation.

What the Linux and OSX Installers do:

  1. Create a directory for all EE16A files in ~/ee16a
  2. Download and run the Anaconda installer
  3. Install additional packages using the conda package manager
  4. Install packages not available through conda using pip
  5. Download and install PyAudio from source
  6. Run the version check script to verify all packages were installed successfully.

NOTE: By default Anaconda is installed to the home directory of each user.


Download windows installer. Right click on the file windows_installer.bat and run it with admin privilages. Open the command line by searching cmd on your PC. In the command line, run

conda update pip -y

You can verify installation as described in validating installation.

What the Windows installer does:

  1. Create a directory for all EE16A files in the C:\EE16A
  2. Download the program unzip.exe to unzip files because you can't do that in a batch file.
  3. Download a zip file with Anaconda, more scripts
  4. Unzip the installation files and delete the zip archive and the unzip utility.
  5. Run the anaconda setup to install in the default directory C:\Anaconda
  6. Run a VB script to update environment variables because this also can't be done any other way in a batch file.
  7. Update packages using conda
  8. Install new packages using conda
  9. Use pip to install packages not available via conda
  10. Run the PyAudio installer

Validating Installation

Download and run the program using Python 3 to verify that the proper versions of each of the packages below are installed:

  • Python- 3.4.3 64 bit (Anaconda)
  • Anaconda- 2.3.0
  • conda- 3.15.1
  • conda-env- 2.3.0
  • pip- 7.1.0
  • setuptools- 18.0.1
  • ipython- 3.2.1
  • ipython-notebook- 3.2.1
  • jinja2- 2.8
  • mistune- 0.7
  • tornado- 4.2.1
  • jsonschema- 2.4.0
  • pyqt- 4.10.4
  • matplotlib 1.4.3
  • numpy- 1.9.2
  • pyserial- 2.7
  • scipy- 0.16.0-np19
  • portaudio- 19
  • pyaudio- 0.2.8
  • pyrtlsdr- 0.2.0