Projection of a convex set on a subspace

The projection of a point on a set is the point that is closest (in the sense of Euclidean norm) to the set. Mathematically the projection of a point x on a convex set {cal C} is the (unique) solution to the optimization problem

  pi(x) := argmin_y : |x-y|_2 ~:~ y in {cal C}.

The projection of a whole set on another set is simply the set of projections pi(x), when x runs {cal C}.

The projection of a convex set on any subspace or affine set is convex.

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The image shows the convex set

  left{ (x,y,z) ~: y ge x^2, ;; z ge y^2 right}

and its projection on the space of (x,y) variables. The projection turns out to be the set

 left{ (x,y) ~: y ge x^2 right}.

Since the original set is convex, its projection also is.