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Package: DBI

Arguments: (&key data-source-name user password prompt hwnd width)

This function establishes a connection the database denoted by data-source-name (a string) and return a database object.

See above for a description of how data source names are defined. ODBC has two functions to establish a connection - one expects all the information to make the connection to be passed to function and the other is willing to look for that information and possibly prompt for it. If the value of prompt is true (which it is by default) then the connect function will use the ODBC function that prompts for data (on Windows) or looks in the .odbc.ini file (on Unix). The kind of information that ODBC will often need to make a connection is the user name and password. On Windows if a prompting dialog box must be put up, it will be made the child window of hwnd, if it is non-nil. If hwnd is nil then the prompt windows will be at top level. If the connection cannot be made, an error is signaled. width is the default size for character buffers used in retrieving character-valued fields returned by an sql statement. If width is not specified it defaults to 1024.

This symbol is associated with the Allegro CL ODBC (AODBC) interface, version 2. Version 2 is new in Allegro CL 5.0.1. It is incompatible with the earlier version 1. Not all customers will have Allegro ODBC version 2. Contact your Franz Inc. sales representative for more information.

Allegro ODBC version 2 is described in aodbc_v2.htm.

The general documentation description is in introduction.htm. The index in index.htm.

Copyright (C) 1998-1999, Franz Inc., Berkeley, CA. All Rights Reserved.