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Package: EXCL

Arguments: (static-array)

Allegro CL supports static arrays, where the array is stored in malloc space, which is never moved and untouched by the garbage collector. Such arrays are created with make-array using the Allegro-CL-specific allocation keyword argument, as described in the description of make-array in implementation.htm. See also gc.htm#10.4 Static arrays.

This function is useful for freeing a static array (recall, it will not be garbage collected). When passed a static array, it returns an integer suitable as the argument to aclfree. The array will be freed when aclfree is called with that argument. Be sure not to try to access the array after it has been freed in that way, as doing so will return meaningless values. Even worse is storing in this now invalid array. Doing that may overwrite data now used by something else, with potentially disastrous results.

The general documentation description is in introduction.htm. The index is in index.htm.

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