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Arguments: arg-list+

This function is obsolete and maintained for backwards compatibility only. There is no real equivlent. ff:defforeign has been replaced by the macro def-foreign-call. All new code should use that macro.

This function allows you to define many foreign functions at once. It may be more convenient but it is no faster than calling ff:defforeign many times. This function returns the number of unsuccessful definitions so a returned value of 0 means that all definitions were successful. The following definition is functionally equivalent to the definition of ff:defforeign-list.

(defun simple-defforeign-list (list-of-arg-lists)
  (let ((errors 0))
   (dolist (arg-list list-of-arg-lists errors)
     (unless (apply #'ff:defforeign arg-list)
       (incf errors)))))

Each arg-list argument must be a list of the arguments that would be passed to ff:defforeign. Note that the individual lists are processed in an apply form and thus the elements in the individual lists are not evaluated as they would be if the same values were passed directly to ff:defforeign. For example, if you want elements of the lists evaluated, you must backquote the entire list of arg-lists and put commas before those elements which require evaluation.

See foreign_functions.htm for general information on foreign functions in Allegro CL. See ftype.htm for information on foreign types.

The general documentation description is in introduction.htm. The index is in index.htm.

Copyright (C) 1998-1999, Franz Inc., Berkeley, CA. All Rights Reserved.