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Arguments: (struct)

It is normal for the scheduler or the operating system to interrupt execution of a process many times during its execution. This is transparent to the process and usually it is not necessary for the process to know when its execution is suspended and resumed. However, if the resume-hook (accessed by process-resume-hook) and the suspend-hook are non-nil, they should be functions of no arguments which are called on process' stack-group each time the scheduler resumes or suspends its execution.

Note that the resume hook is not called when a process is first started, nor the suspend hook when its computation completes. If execution of the hooks at these times is needed, they must be called explicitly by the process' computation.

These hooks are primarily intended for window systems which may need to be informed about process switches in order to track changes of I/O streams. Use for other purposes may conflict with this usage.

See multiprocessing.htm for general information on multiprocessing in Allegro CL.

The general documentation description is in introduction.htm. The index in index.htm.

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