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Arguments: &optional command-name
Without an argument, print a summary of the commands, mostly consisting of name, abbreviation, and valid arguments; if command-name is present, then print more detailed documentation about this command. This command will print a `page' of output at a time (page is defined below). When a page has been output, the system will pause. Entering a return at that point will cause the next page to be displayed. Entering a number causes the command to take that value as the page size (the value holds for this call to :help only). Any fixnum may be entered. A negative or zero value causes the remainder of the output to be displayed with no further breaks.A page is defined to be tpl:*help-page-lenegth* number of lines, if the value of that variable is a positive integer. If the value is negative or zero, :help will print without pausing.
The minimal abbreviation of :help is :he.
See top_level.htm for more information on top-level commands.
The general documentation description is in introduction.htm. The index in index.htm.
Copyright (C) 1998-1999, Franz Inc., Berkeley, CA. All Rights Reserved.