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Package: EXCL
The value of this variable should be a function name or function object (suitable as the first argument to funcall) or nil. The function should take no arguments. It is called at the end of the startup procedure instead of a standard Lisp listener being started. This function is designed to provide its own top-level (in place of a Lisp listener). The function should not return. The behavior if it does return is undefined.
When this variable is nil, a standard Lisp listener is started using tpl:start-interactive-top-level.
If the Lisp uses a minimal top level (i.e. the image was built with the include-tpl keyword argument to build-lisp-image specified nil) and this variable is nil, tpl:start-interactive-top-level is still called but has a different definition than in a standard image with a standard top level. See 10.0 Minimal top levels in building_images.htm.
The variable is designed for applications. Users and programmers wanting to dump Lisp images for later use will not typically set this variable (instead, *restart-init-function*, allows for initializations prior to the Lisp listener starting). Programmers who want to start a Lisp listener themselves (perhaps providing a choice between the application top-level and a standard listener) from within *restart-app-function* should see the description of tpl:start-interactive-top-level.
See startup.htm for information on initialization functions.
The general documentation description is in introduction.htm. The index is in index.htm.
Copyright (C) 1998-1999, Franz Inc., Berkeley, CA. All Rights Reserved.