University of California at Berkeley EECS Instructional & Electronics Support TO: All EECS Instructors FROM: Kevin Mullally, Manager of EECS Instructional & Electronics Support SUBJECT: Instructor's Survey - Spring 1999 May 11 1999 Computer Resources for Classes: Please let me know if you have new requirements for Instructional computing in the upcoming semester. Below are questions to consider. You could also just send me email, call me or visit at 378 Cory Hall. Information about Instructional resources is available on paper outside of 386 Cory and 333 Soda and on-line under: WWW (URL is ftp /share/b/pub/Information_for_Instructors on any Instructional UNIX system If you have any questions or comments about this, please contact: Kevin Mullally, Manager EECS Instructional & Electronics Support 378 Cory Hall, (510) 643-6141, Survey: Please return to Kevin Mullally, 378 Cory Hall, Berkeley CA 97720 =========================================================================== Your name (please print): ______________________________ 1) Please list the classes will you teach and the estimated enrollments. 2) Please describe any specific SYSTEM environment that is needed (ie: workstations, PCs, Macs, etc). 3) Please name any specific SOFTWARE that is needed, including both systems and applications software. 4) Are there any special lab scheduling requirements? (Some labs are open to general access.) 5) Please comment if you have had any problems in past semsters that you hope we'll avoid next time. =========================================================================== source: /share/b/pub/troff/ - revised May 11 1999