1.4: ACL Documentation

#Q 1.4-1) What is the relationship between this FAQ and ACL documentation?
#Q 1.4-2) Is the ACL documentation available on-line?

Q 1.4-1) What is the relationship between this FAQ and ACL documentation?

A 1.4-1) The ACL documentation, comprising a collection of HTML files in the doc/ subdirectory of the Allegro directory (where Allegro CL was installed), the Installation Guide (<Allegro directory>/readme.htm, a (printed) READ THIS FIRST document shipped with the ACL CD-ROM, and this FAQ are designed to be mutually exclusive. It is our intention to maintain this FAQ as a repository of current frequently-asked questions which have arisen since the last release of the ACL documentation (and are sometimes pertinent only to a certain release of ACL). Those questions which endure across releases will be incorporated into the ACL documentation in due course, and then removed from the FAQ.

Q 1.4-2) Is the ACL documentation available on-line?

A 1.4-2) Yes, most Allegro CL documentation is online.  These documents are printed and not available online:

  * The CLIM User Guide,
  * The Allegro Composer User Guide,
  * The Allegro ODBC User Guide,
  * The AllegroStore manual

The on-line documentation is available on your machine after you install Allegro CL and on our web site at http://www.franz.com/support/docs/5.0/readme.htm.

The remaining documentation is in HTML format or Windows Help format (only certain Common Graphics and Integrated Development Environment documentation is in Windows Help format).  The printed Integrated Development Environment User Guide is (essentially) a copy of the online version in <Allegro directory>/doc/cg/ide-user-guide/ (the link goes to the first chapter of the IDE User Guide).

The document <Allegro directory>/doc/cl/introduction.htm describes the Allegro CL documentation set. We recommend that you make that document a bookmark in your browser.

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