import sys import re from importlib import import_module import traceback import platform import copy class color: COLOR_PLATFORMS = ['Darwin', 'Linux'] if platform.system() in COLOR_PLATFORMS: OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' WARN = '\033[93m' FAIL = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' else: OKBLUE, OKGREEN, WARN, FAIL, ENDC = '', '', '', '', '' def anyjoin(lst): """ Join the items of lst into a string with each item's __repr__ """ return ", ".join(map(repr, lst)) class TestCase: def __init__(self, ins=None, out=None): self.inputs = ins self.output = out def run(self, function_ref): try: result = function_ref(*self.inputs) except Exception as e: return False, self.format_error_message(traceback.format_exc()) if result == self.output: return True, self.format_success_message() else: return False, self.format_error_message(repr(result)) def format_success_message(self): return color.OKGREEN + "Passed. " + color.ENDC + "With inputs %s, returned %s." \ % (anyjoin(self.inputs), repr(self.output)) def format_error_message(self, got): return color.FAIL + "Failed. " + color.ENDC + "With inputs %s, expected %s, instead got:\n %s" \ % (anyjoin(self.inputs), self.output, got) class MutableTestCase: def __init__(self, ins=None, outs=None, mutable_indices=0): if not (isinstance(ins, tuple) and isinstance(outs, tuple)): raise ValueError("Inputs and outputs must be listed in tuples.") self.inputs = ins self.outputs = outs if hasattr(mutable_indices, "__iter__"): self.mutable_indices = mutable_indices else: self.mutable_indices = [mutable_indices] self.frozen_inputs = anyjoin(self.inputs) def run(self, function_ref): try: mutable_inputs = [self.inputs[i] for i in self.mutable_indices] function_ref(*self.inputs) passed = tuple(mutable_inputs) == self.outputs except Exception as e: return False, self.format_error_message(traceback.format_exc()) if passed: return True, self.format_success_message() else: return False, self.format_error_message(anyjoin(mutable_inputs)) def format_success_message(self): return color.OKGREEN + "Passed. " + color.ENDC + "With inputs: %s; input(s) # %s became %s." \ % (self.frozen_inputs, anyjoin(self.mutable_indices), anyjoin(self.outputs)) def format_error_message(self, got): return color.FAIL + "Failed. " + color.ENDC + "With inputs: %s; expected input(s) # %s to become %s; instead got:\n %s" \ % (self.frozen_inputs, anyjoin(self.mutable_indices), anyjoin(self.outputs), got) class Exercise: def __init__(self, name, module, func_name): self.module = module self.func_name = func_name = name self.tests = [] def add_test(self, test_case): self.tests.append(test_case) def run_tests(self): print("Running tests for %s\n=============" % try: func = getattr(self.module, self.func_name) except AttributeError: print(color.WARN + "Fail: " + color.ENDC + "no function named '%s' exists\n" % self.func_name) return results = [] for i in range(len(self.tests)): result, message = self.do_test(i, func) print(message) results.append(result) success_rate = sum(results)/len(results) if success_rate == 1: print("You passed all of the tests!\n") else: print("You passed %s/%s tests.\n" % (sum(results), len(results))) def do_test(self, test_index, function_ref): result, message = self.tests[test_index].run(function_ref) return result, message def import_file_or_fail(filename): modulename = re.sub(r"\.py$", "", filename) try: return __import__(modulename, globals(), locals(), ['*']) except ImportError: print("Error: could not find file %s" % filename) exit() def main(): try: filename = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: print("Error: please provide a file to be tested.") exit() testmodule = import_file_or_fail(filename) # current_module = sys.modules[__name__] class Flag: def __init__(self, key): self.key = key def test(self, against): return self.key in [against, "all", None] flag = Flag(sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else None) if flag.test("1"): exercise_1 = Exercise("exercise 1: Push First Odd Back", testmodule, "push_first_odd_back") exercise_1.add_test(MutableTestCase(ins=([2, 3, 4, 5],), outs=([2, 4, 5, 3],))) exercise_1.add_test(MutableTestCase(ins=([2, 4, 6, 8],), outs=([2, 4, 6, 8],))) exercise_1.add_test(MutableTestCase(ins=([0, 0, 1],), outs=([0, 0, 1],))) exercise_1.run_tests() if flag.test("2"): exercise_2 = Exercise("exercise 2: Flatten", testmodule, "flatten") exercise_2.add_test(TestCase(ins=([["a", "b"],["c", "d", "e"], ["f"]],), out=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"])) exercise_2.run_tests() if flag.test("3.1"): exercise_3_1 = Exercise("exercise 3.1: Squares of Evens", testmodule, "squares_of_evens") exercise_3_1.add_test(TestCase(ins=([-5, -2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 8],), out=[4, 0, 16, 64])) exercise_3_1.run_tests() if flag.test("3.2"): exercise_3_2 = Exercise("exercise 3.2: Nth Power of Evens", testmodule, "nth_power_of_evens") exercise_3_2.add_test(TestCase(ins=([-5, -2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 8], 3), out=[-8, 0, 64, 512])) exercise_3_2.run_tests() if flag.test("4"): exercise_4 = Exercise("exercise 4: Substitute Base", testmodule, "substitute_base") exercise_4.add_test(TestCase(ins=("AAGTTAGTCA", "A", "C"), out="CCGTTCGTCC")) exercise_4.run_tests() if flag.test("5"): exercise_5 = Exercise("exercise 5: Combine", testmodule, "combine") exercise_5.add_test(TestCase(ins=([1, 2, 3, 4, 5],), out=15)) exercise_5.add_test(TestCase(ins=(["hello ", "my ", "name ", "is ", "someone?"],), out="hello my name is someone?")) exercise_5.run_tests() if flag.test("6"): exercise_6 = Exercise("exercise 6: Base Frequency", testmodule, "base_freq") exercise_6.add_test(TestCase(ins=("AAGTTAGTCA",), out={"A": 4, "C": 1, "G": 2, "T": 3})) exercise_6.run_tests() if flag.test("7.1"): exercise_7_1 = Exercise("exercise 7.1: Substitute Characters", testmodule, "substitute_chars") replacements = {"S":"Z", "E":"U", "T":"P", "A":"M"} exercise_7_1.add_test(TestCase(ins=("SECRET MESSAGE", replacements), out="ZUCRUP MUZZMGU")) exercise_7_1.run_tests() if flag.test("7.2"): exercise_7_2 = Exercise("exercise 7.2: Invert Dictionary", testmodule, "invert_dict") exercise_7_2.add_test(TestCase(ins=({"A":"X", "B":"Y", "C":"Z"},), out={"X":"A", "Z":"C", "Y":"B"})) exercise_7_2.run_tests() if __name__ == "__main__": main()