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Table of Contents


Bits, Bytes, Nibbles and Words: Some Definitions


Bit-Ordering, Byte-Ordering and the Endian Wars

Bit-Ordering, Byte-Ordering and the Endian Wars

The Addition of Two Binary Digits: The Half-Adder

Half Adder Implementation

Addition of Two Binary Digits and a Carry-In: The Full Adder

Full-Adder Implementation

The Ripple-Carry n-Bit Binary Parallel Adder

Serial Adder


The Subtraction of Two Binary Digits: The Half-Subtracter

Subtraction of Two Binary Digits and a Borrow-In: The Full Subtracter

Ripple Subtracter

Subtraction & Number Systems

Full-Adder from Half-Adders

Carry Look-Ahead Addition

4-Bit Carry Look-Ahead Adder

4-Bit Carry Look-Ahead Adder

Sign-Magnitude Representation: 4-bits

Two's Complement Representation (N*): 4 bits

One's Complement Representation (N'): 4 bits

1's and 2's Complement

Signed Binary Integers (word-length =4): Sign-magnitude, 1's complement, 2's complement

Addition of 2's Complement Numbers

Addition of 1's Complement Numbers

One's Complement Adder

Redundant Representations of Numbers

Email: rnewton@ic.eecs.berkeley.edu

Home Page: http://www-inst.eecs.Berkeley.edu/~cs150