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Table of Contents


Overall Sequential Design Flow

Common Representations Used in the Design Process

Structured Custom Chip Layout

Standard Cell Layout

Layout Abstractions for Cell-Based Design

Standard Cells vs. Gate Array

Sequential Control-Flow Model

Converting Procedural Descriptions to a Dataflow-Oriented Representation

Complications to Dataflow Analysis*

Complications to Dataflow Analysis

Complications to Dataflow Analysis

Languages versus Models: A Software Analogy

Behavior and Structure: Two Faces of the Same Coin

Behavior and Structure

State and Statements

Data and Control

VHDL: The “nroff/latex” of Design

PPT Slide

3-Bit Parity Function: "Control-Oriented"

3-Bit Parity Function: "Dataflow-Oriented"

3-bit Parity Function:Possible VHDL Implementation

"I synthesize from C" or "I synthesize from VHDL"

Representing Time for Behavioral Description

Why Should Time be Discrete?

Representing Time for Behavioral Descriptions

Encoding Information in Time & Space

Design Representation

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

What's in a Name?

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Email: rnewton@ic.eecs.berkeley.edu

Home Page: http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs150