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CS152/252A Final Logistics

The final exam is Thursday, May 11, from 3pm to 6pm in Stanley 105. Please arrive by 3pm.

If you have an extenuating circumstance preventing you from taking the exam, please make a private Ed post as soon as possible. An alternate exam will be offered either right before or right after the regular exam – more details during RRR week.


All lectures, labs, discussions, and homework assignments in scope for the exam EXCEPT for lectures 24 (Hyperscale) and 25 (Interconnects). There will be no questions specifically about Lecture 20 (Turing Award).

Cheat Sheets

  • You may bring 3 (three) two-sided cheat sheet for the exam. You can re-use your cheatsheets from midterm 1 and midterm 2.
  • Handwritten tablet notes and typed notes may be printed and used. You may not use a cheat sheet on an electronic device (phone, tablet, or otherwise) during the exam.

Provided resources

If necessary to solve a problem on the exam, the handouts included with homework assignments will be provided on the exam.


The best way to study for the midterm is to work through practice problems, viewable on the resources page. Please use the associated Ed threads to ask questions about past exams.

Content covered in previous semesters is not guaranteed to be identical to content covered this semester. Previous semesters may have covered additional content while not covering some topics in-scope this semester.

Getting Help

Please drop by office hours if you have any questions about course content! We’d be happy to help. Additionally, Discussion 13 on review.

252A students

252a students do not take the final exam.


While the final exam can be used to replace grades from midterms 1 and 2, the final exam itself cannot be clobbered.