CS160 Midterm Exam Spring 2007
User Interface Design, Prototyping, and Evaluation


Total number of points on exam: 100



This is a closed book, individual test.  You are not allowed to use your notes, texts, or laptop computers.  You have the full class period for this exam; there are 100 points total. Use your time accordingly.

You have brought a blank 8 ½ by 11 blue book.  Do not write on the blue book until it is handed back to you. You will hand in the blue book just before the exam starts.  The TA’s and/or I will shuffle the blue books and hand them back. Write your name and student number on the front cover of the answer booklet. Write the version number of your exam on the front cover the answer booklet.

Place your name and student number on each page containing screen shoots. When you hand in the exam, place the annotated screen shots into your answer booklet.

Each question is numbered.  Number your answers with the same number as the corresponding question.

If you find a question ambiguous, document your interpretation of the question.  Label your interpretation as “Question Clarification.”  If you write a question clarification, then label your answer “Question Answer.”  The questions on the exam are not intended to be ambiguous, but there may be other interpretations that we did not take into consideration.


Short Answer (40 points out of 100 total)

1 – 5 points

2 – 5 points


3 – 5 points

4 – 5 points

5 – 5 points

6 – 5 points

7 – 5 points
Why is it good to draw a user in the first frame of a storyboard being used to help develop an interface?

Because it keeps the design process focused on the user.

8 – 5 points

9 – 5 points

10 – 5 points

11 – 5 points

12 – 5 points
Define what it means for a breakdown to happen in an interface metaphor and give an example.

An interface metaphor breakdown happens when the effect of an action in the interface is different from what the action would be in the domain from which the metaphor is drawn.  An example is moving a disk into the trash in the desktop metaphor used on a Mac.  The disk is not destroyed, but it in ejected from the computer.

Long Answers (60 points out of 100 total)

L1 – 20 points
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the three different methods of testing interfaces described in class.

We covered three methods of testing interfaces in detail: user testing(UT), cognitive walkthrough (CW)  and heuristic evaluation (HE).  UT and HE are task based the last is a review based method.  Both task based methods have the advantage that they detect if there are problems in being able to complete the task. Neither of these methods is particularly good at testing for issues of consistency in the interface structure. HE is normally much better at testing for consistency.

CW and HE are both methods that do not involve testing the interface with users.  Because of this, both can be performed quickly and at little cost compared to UT. They also can be performed more easily on partially complete designs.  CW and HE have the disadvantage that they are not testing with users. This can lead to identify problems that are not really problems for the user and can overlook issues that the user would actually find difficult. This is often the case because the persons performing these testing methods normally have different knowledge and experience that the intended users of the system.

UT provides the most realistic results because it is testing with real users. UT is the most time consuming and expensive of the methods we discussed in class.  The results of UT can be difficult to understand because the user may not explain why they performed a specific action. Also, in some cases, it is hard to get test subject.
L2 – 20 points

In the following screen shots from an application, identify violations to Nielsen’s Heuristics (listed below). Annotate the screen shots to describe (1) which heuristic was violated, (2) what part of the screen shot is problematic, and (3) briefly why the heuristic was violated. You should look at all screenshots; all of them could have usability violations. However, not all screenshots will necessarily have usability violations.

Nielsen’s Usability Heuristics:

  1. Visibility of system status
  2. Match between system and the real world
  3. User control and freedom
  4. Consistency and standards
  5. Error prevention
  6. Recognition rather than recall
  7. Flexibility and efficiency of use
  8. Aesthetic and minimalist design
  9. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
  10. Help and documentation


The following shows the user interface of wGetGUI: a graphical front end to a webgrabber application. A webgrabber allows complete sites to be downloaded ( including pictures and sounds) onto a client machine for "offline" browsing. wGetGUI allows users to visually set webgrabber’s flags to control what will be downloaded.



The application supports both novice and an expert interfaces:
