Midterms and Examinations

This page contains the examinations and midterms from current and previous version of CS164. These can be useful study guides, but note that the required material in old exams will certainly differ slightly from what you are required to know. These midterms may also have taken place earlier or later in the semester and may thus require more or less material than you are expecting. Wherever possible, the solutions are presented as well.

This semester (Fall 2002) Examinations

            Fall '02 Midterm 1  (sketch of solutions)

            Fall '02 Midterm 2 (sketch of solutions)

Old Final Examination Review

Old Final Examinations


Old Midterm 2



Old Midterm 1

·        Fall '01 Midterm 1

·        Fall '01 Midterm 1 solution

Spring '01 Midterm 1 (histogram) also in postscript format.

·        The column on top of the number 100 represents the number of grades in the range 96-100 and so on.

Last modified: 04/11/2001 12:20 AM