CS164:  Lab 1

September 1, 2004


The purpose of this lab is to acquaint you with the tools you are going to be using for the reminder of the course. There is nothing to turn in for this lab, but you will need to go over all these steps in order to do the first project. You may not be able to finish the entire lab tutorial in the allocated time of 50 minutes.  Finish it later in the lab, or redo it on your home machine.


0.         Get an account form from your TA


1.         Start Eclipse


            Go to C:\Temp\eclipse.  Click on the Eclipse button to start. 

The Workspace Launcher window will pop up.  For the workspace entry, type in U:\workspace, and click OK. If you are on a unix machine, do $HOME/workspace, where $HOME is your home directory.


2.         Hello World Tutorial (optional)


If you are new to Eclipse, you may want to go through a Hello World tutorial.

It will teach you how to create a Java project and how to run a Java program.

In Eclipse, go to to Help / Welcome.  Select Tutorials / Java Development and follow the instructions.


3.         Experiment with the Starter Kit


Proceed to section 3.2 of the handout from Tuesday's lecture.  Import the starter, compile, and run the skeleton code.


4.         Setup CVS


            Go to http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs164/Pages/software.html

Follow the direction on setting up CVS.  Remember that you need to use SSH to login to a UNIX machine to do this.


5.         Remote Testing Plugin


Go to C:\Temp\eclipse\plugins, check for the directory   edu.berkeley.cs164.plugins.remote_testing_1.0.0.  If this directory is there, then the remote testing plugin has already installed on that machine.  Otherwise, follow the direction on http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs164/Pages/software.html to install and use the remote testing plugin.


5.         Write a new Test Case (to test your program)


In the Package Explorer pane, click on the plus sign next to PA1, right click on tests, go to new->file.  Name your file and write your first decaf test case there.


6.         CVS Check In (store your project in the CVS repository)


Go to http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs164/Pages/software.html, follow the direction in the section called "Using CVS in Eclipse".