2.7 Architecture-specific: Linux

Q 2.7-1) On which x86 (i.e Intel Pentium and friends) Linux versions does Allegro CL 6.2 run?
Q 2.7-2) How can I replace the lesstif installed with RedHat Linux 7.2 with openmotif (required for CLIM)?

Go to main FAQ page.

Q 2.7-1) On which x86 (i.e Intel Pentium and friends) Linux versions does Allegro CL 6.2 run?

A 2.7-1) Those with Linux kernels 2.0 or later and glibc versions 2.1 and 2.2 (Allegro CL 6.2 was built with glibc 2.1).

Note that the add-on product AllegroStore requires ObjectStore, which may not be compatible with all Linux versions compatible with Allegro CL by itself. Please contact Franz Inc. technical support at bugs@franz.com if you have questions about the versions of Linux on which AllegroStore runs.

Q 2.7-2) How can I replace the lesstif installed with RedHat Linux 7.2 with openmotif (required for CLIM)?

A 2.7-2) Allegro CL 6.1 CLIM requires Motif 2.1, a free version of which is available from www.openmotif.org.

Although the default installation of RedHat Linux 7.2 includes installation of lesstif (a variant of Motif that does not work with CLIM), there is an installation mode where you can alter the default package installation list and therefore prevent the installation of lesstif. If you do this, you can simply install openmotif Motif 2.1 after obtaining it from www.openmotif.org.

However, once lesstif is installed, you should remove it before installing openmotif Motif 2.1.  To uninstall lesstif, enter

% rpm --erase lesstif 

The rpm program will notify you if removing the lesstif package would break anything (and it will not continue with removing lesstif). rpm will indicate which packages depend on lesstif. Please contact Franz Inc. (sending mail to bugs@franz.com) for assistance if there are problem removing lesstif.

Once lesstif in removed, openmotif Motif 2. can be installed following instructions received with the software.

Next FAQ topic: Architecture specific problems: 2.8. MacOS X

Previous FAQ topic: Architecture specific problems: 2.6. Windows

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