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Allegro CL version 6.2
Unrevised from 6.1


Arguments: window-or-screen &key owned-p states

This function returns a list of the child windows or the other owned windows of either a window or the screen.

window-or-screen is the window or screen whose child or owned windows are to be found. (The screen is the value returned by (screen *system*). See screen and *system*.

If owned-p is nil (the default) then the child windows of window-or-screen are returned. If owned-p is true, then the owned windows of window-or-screen that are not also child windows of window-or-screen are returned. These two groups together comprise all of the owned windows of window-or-screen. Note that only top-level windows can have owned windows that are not also their children; therefore, nil will always be returned if owned-p is passed as true along with a child window or the screen.

states specifies that only windows that are currently in certain states are to be returned. If nil (the default), then windows in all states are returned. Otherwise states may be a list of some combination of the symbols :normal, :shrunk, :icon, and :maximized, in which case only windows that are currently in those states are returned. See state.

Note that if the specified window is a frame-with-single-child window, then its frame-child pane will be included in the returned list, even though it is sometimes considered to be logically a part of the frame window.

See also windows-scratch-list.

Copyright (c) 1998-2002, Franz Inc. Oakland, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
Documentation for Allegro CL version 6.2. This page was not revised from the 6.1 page.
Created 2002.2.26.

Allegro CL version 6.2
Unrevised from 6.1