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Allegro CL version 6.2
Unrevised from 6.1


Arguments: title choice-list &key stream allow-multiple initial-value select-all on-print width height dialog-exterior-box topmost

Displays a dialog with Yes, No, and Cancel buttons. Two values are returned, the selected value (or the list of selected values if allow-multiple is true) and :yes or :no or nil as Yes, No, or Cancel is clicked. (Clicking the close box on the dialog is equivalent to clicking Cancel.)

The stream keyword argument specifies the owning window. If allow-multiple is true, more than one item in choice-list can be chosen (using the Shift and Control keys in the usual Window way). If select-all and allow-multiple are true, all items are selected when the dialog is displayed. (select-all is ignored if allow-multiple is not true.)

The initial-value keyword argument should be a value from choice-list. It will be highlighted when the dialog is displayed.

The on-print keyword argument, if specified, should be a function of one argument that will print the item in choice-list to the dialog.

The width and height arguments determine the width and height of the dialog displayed. The positioning of the dialog is determined, then, by position-utility-dialog. width and height should not be specified if dialog-exterior-box is specified, but use of dialog-exterior-boxis deprecated in favor of width and height.

The use of dialog-exterior-box is deprecated in favor of the width and height arguments described just above. No value should be specified for this argument if values are specified for width and height (which override this argument). If a value is specified for this argument, it should be a box. The dialog will be that size but the location will still be specified by position-utility-dialog (the top and left of the box are ignored).

When topmost is true, the utility dialog invoked by this function will be topmost while it is present. A topmost window is one that remains on top of all other non-topmost windows, even those in other applications. This feature is particularly useful for modal dialogs that need to alert the user even if they have switched to another application.

See also y-or-n-dialog.

Copyright (c) 1998-2002, Franz Inc. Oakland, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
Documentation for Allegro CL version 6.2. This page was not revised from the 6.1 page.
Created 2002.2.26.

Allegro CL version 6.2
Unrevised from 6.1