Allegro CL version 6.2
Unrevised from 6.1


Arguments: mail-server from to &rest message

mail-server can be a string naming a machine or an integer IP address. The mail-server is contacted and asked to send a message (a string) from the email address specified by from to the email address or list of addresses specified by to. The email addresses must be of the form "foo" or "". You can not use addresses like "Joe <>" or "(Joe)".

The message sent is a concatenation of all of the message arguments (there can be as many as you like, and all should be strings). A header is not prepended to the message. This means that the application program can build its own header if it wants to include in that header more than send-letter supports (e.g. a Mime encoded attachment). If no header is provided then some mail servers (e.g. sendmail) will notice this fact and will automatically create a header.

The text of the message should be lines separated by #\newline's. The smtp interface will automatically insert the necessary #\returns's when it transmits the message to the mail server.

See imap.htm for more information.

Copyright (c) 1998-2002, Franz Inc. Oakland, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
Documentation for Allegro CL version 6.2. This page was not revised from the 6.1 page.
Created 2002.2.26.

Allegro CL version 6.2
Unrevised from 6.1