CS 170 Reading Quiz -- Week 8, Tuesday

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Please answer all questions.


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1. Consider the graph shown below:

The numbers represent the capacity of each edge. (For instance, the graph indicates that we can send up to 2 units of flow along the edge from vertex s to vertex a.) What is the value of the largest flow from s to t? You don't need to explain or justify your answer.

2. True or false: The value of any weighted cut C is always less than or equal to the value of any flow F.

Begin your answer with "yes" or "no", and then give a brief justification.

3. What did you find difficult or confusing about the reading for the upcoming lecture, and what would you most like to see explained better? If nothing was difficult or confusing, and you understand the material pretty well, tell us what you found most interesting. Please be as specific as possible.

4. What questions do you still have about previous material? If nothing was difficult or confusing, and you understand the material pretty well, tell us what you found most interesting. Please be as specific as possible.

5. Did you find the extra comments in the solutions to HW6 more helpful (compared to previous solutions) in understanding how to approach the problems?

How much time do you currently spend each week reviewing homework solutions? How much time would you spend if the resubmission deadline were extended to Wednesday?

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