
For each subject in the Prokudin-Gorskii collection, three exposures were taken through a red, a green, and a blue filter. However, across these three channels, the images are not perfectly aligned, so a more intelligent algorithm is needed to produce the photographs in color. This project focuses on using single-scale and multi-scale algorithms to align both small and very large images from the collection. Additionally, methods of automatically contrasting and white-balancing the resulting color images were also explored.

Single-scale Alignment


For the smaller images, it was efficient enough to work only with the original resolution. The blue channel was held constant while the red and green channels were aligned to it. The algorithm is a simple exhaustive search across all possible combinations of image shifts (dx and dy) both within the range [-delta, delta] (I used delta=15). For each of these combinations, the shifted image was compared to the target using a pixel-wise sum-absolute-error (SAE) function, in which the intensities of corresponding pixels are subtracted, and the absolute values of these differences are summed across all pixels. However, before calculating this error, the border of the images is cropped by max(int(max(h, w) * 0.045), delta) so that only the internal pixels are represented in the error. The int(max(h, w) * 0.045) term is necessary for the larger images because their borders are proportionally larger in terms of number of pixels. Lastly, the combination of dx and dy that achieved the lowest error is returned as the final alignment offset.

I also tried using a sum-squared-error (SSE) function as my metric, which did not work nearly as well as SAE. SSE punishes large differences in pixel values much more heavily than SAE does, which could be a disadvantage. Many images have artifacts that are only present in some, but not all, of the color channels, which means the differences in pixel intensities caused by these artifacts are large. With SSE, the error caused by these artifacts are amplified, potentially drowning out more meaningful error from other parts of the image. This causes the algorithm to instead focus on finding a good match for the artifacts, potentially rejecting perfect matches of the actual contents.


Custom Images


File name Red dx Red dy Green dx Green dy

Multi-scale Alignment


For the larger .tif images, an image pyramid was used to speed up the alignment process. The levels of the pyramid are processed from coarsest (level N-1) to finest (level 0). At level i, both the source image (red or green channel) and target image (blue channel) are downscaled to 1 / (2 ** i) of their original dimensions. Then, the single-scale alignment algorithm is run on these downscaled images to obtain two offsets, dx and dy. However, because these offsets are relative to the dimensions of the downscaled image, they need to be multiplied by 2 ** i to convert back to the dimensions of the original image. These converted offsets are then added to the running totals total_dx and total_dy, and the original source image is shifted by these offsets in preparation for the next iteration.


Because calculations at each combination of dx and dy are independent of each other, the alignment algorithm could be multi-threaded. With N threads, thread i is responsible for computing error values for dy in range(-delta + i, delta + 1, N) and all dx's. This ensures an even distribution of work across all N threads. After all threads finish, the combination of dx and dy with the lowest error is returned.

In the end, this optimization achieved a 3.3x speedup, decreasing average processing time from about 75 seconds to 23 seconds.



The multi-scale alignment algorithm worked well for all images except lady.tif, in which the red channel was slightly misaligned. This could be due to the artifacts in the red channel, which cover a much larger portion of the image compared to artifacts in the other channels. Slightly increasing the amount of cropping (shrinking the internal pixels region) before calculating the error metric helped resolve this issue:

Custom Images


File name Red dx Red dy Green dx Green dy

Bells and Whistles


Automatic contrasting was implemented using the cumulative histogram method taught in class. For each channel, an array freq of size 256 was used to count the frequency of each pixel intensity value. A prefix sum is computed over the values in this array such that prefix[i] = sum(freq[:i+1]). The last element of the prefix sum is the total number of pixels in the image, which is stored as total. This way, prefix[i] / total gives the proportion of pixels that have intensity <= i. For each pixel in the channel, its intensity is reassigned to be equal to prefix[i] / total * 255, which stretches the dynamic range of the channel to fill [0, 255].

Before After

White Balance

White balancing was achieved through shifting the average pixel color to a desired gray_point. The average color vector avg_color was computed using np.mean() across the first (y) and second (x) dimensions. Then, all pixels in the image were divided by avg_color and multiplied by gray_point through shape-broadcasting.

Gray point Before After
(128, 128, 128)
(180, 180, 180)
(150, 150, 150)
(128, 128, 128)
(128, 128, 128)