Assignment 5

Dylan Scott (CS184-DU) and Stephanie Ren (CS184-AK)

For project 5 we decided to augment our project 4 raytracer to simulate global illumination using the technique of photon mapping.
Photon mapping is a two-pass algorithm that augments raytracing by adding an additional step to the algorithm before rendering: Prior to rendering we shoot many 'photons' into the scene, beginning at light sources, which bounce around in the scene before coming to rest. Simulating this bouncing may be done using Russian Roulette, where at each bounce there is some probability that a photon will be reflected, absorbed, or transmitted. Alternatively, you can also simulate photons where at each bounce the photon is deposited into the map, but reflected at a lower energy until it drops below some threshold. We chose the latter model for simplicity's sake, though it may come at the cost of performance (since it results in a greater number of photons in the scene).
After constructing the photon map, we render as we would normally, but now when we find the intersection with an object, we query the photon map for the nearest neighboring photons, and add their contribution to the scene. As a result we get more interesting effects, such as diffuse interreflection (color bleed).
The main performance bottleneck for photon mapping is the nearest neighbor query on the photon map we constructed. Since we shoot so many photons into the scene, it is very important to have an efficient data structure on which to do this query. We went with the data structure suggested by Henrik Wann Jensen (the pioneer of the photon mapping technique) - kd-trees. Since kd-trees are not a trivial data structure to efficiently implement, and since we did not want to reinvent the wheel, we decided to use an existing kd-tree library for Java (our raytracer is written in Java). The library we used may be found at:

Finally: Pictures
Rendered at 1080x1080 with antialiasing, with approximately 500,000 photons in the scene.
Rendering took approximately 8 hrs on a moderately powered laptop (1.83 GHz Core 2 Duo, 2 GB RAM). Most of that time spent in the kd-tree n-nearest neighbors method. Click the images to see the full sized render.

A visualization of the photon map used to render the cornell box image.

Source code may be found here.