I'm taking CS184 because I've always been interested in computer graphics. In the past, I've created an interactive 3D Rubic's Cube and some simple simulations. I hope knowledge learned in this course will be useful for creating 3D visualizations of data, creating games and further learning in the field of graphics.



Assignment 5: Monte Carlo Path Tracer

Path Tracer

Ahmed Owainati (ef) & Jeremy Cowles (cc)

Path Tracing References Acceleration Structure References Features
  • - Russian Roulette sampling
  • - Diffuse surfaces
  • - 3D-DDA style voxel traversal (not fully functional)
  • - Uniform Grid acceleration (not fully functional)
  • - Projection transformed Uniform Grid acceleration (not fully functional)
Acceleration Structure Problems
We originally wanted to create a specialized acceleration structure in which a uniform grid is transformed via the projection matrix to create a grid aligned to each primary ray. Unfortunately, after many hours of work, we were unable to get this acceleration structure working correctly. The remnants of the implementation are visible in our framework, however it is disabled at runtime due to bugs and a lack of time to complete it.

Samples per Pixel: 1

Samples per Pixel: 10

Samples per Pixel: 100

Samples per Pixel: 200

Samples per Pixel: 1

Samples per Pixel: 10

Samples per Pixel: 50

Samples per Pixel: 100

Area Lights - Samples per Pixel: 200

Area Lights - Samples per Pixel: 400