Buffer Manager: Project 1 Assignment

Introduction to Database Systems,
UC Berkeley Computer Science 186, Fall 2003
Buffer Management Strategies Section due: Sunday, September 14, 7pm PDT, no slip days may be used!
Everything else due: Thursday, September 18, 2003, 7pm PDT, late days may be used.

1 Overview of Project 1 - Buffer Manager

In this project you will add functionality to the backend server of PostgreSQL. You need to delve into the actual server code. In this first assignment we limit our investigation to one core module, the buffer manager. The actual coding for this project is minimal, but you will need to figure out what code to add and where, which is non-trivial! The major parts of this project are:

• Understanding different memory management strategies, this part is due before the rest of the project!  No slip days may be used for the part!
• Examining, understanding and modifying existing code
• Measuring the effects of your code in a real system

Due to disk space constraints, we are providing you with a leaner PostgreSQL source tree. Some features (contributed utilities, regression tests, manual, tutorials and other language support) have been removed. You will not need these for this project, but you are free to download them if you have the space. Even with these modifications, you will not have extra space to store other files, so be sure to remove them before
beginning (You can allocate temp space via /share/b/bin/mkhometmpdir.  See http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/pub.cgi?file=/usr/pub/disk.quotas for details.) .

Make sure your code runs smoothly on the x86 Solaris EECS instructional machines (rhombus, pentagon, and torus.cs.berkeley.edu) prior to submission since ALL grading will done on those. However, since all the software is freely available, you may find it easier to develop your code at home or on other machines you have access to. The instructions provided are designed to work with the EECS instructional machines and may not work as smoothly elsewhere. The TAs and Professor will only support EECS instructional machines.

2 Tasks and Steps

  1. Learn different buffer management strategies. (30%) - due Sunday, Sept. 14, 7pm, before the rest of the project.
  2. Compile and install PostgreSQL.
  3. Implement CLOCK. (40%)
  4. Compare performance of LRU, MRU and CLOCK. (30%)
  5. Submit by 7pm, September 18th.
Please spend some time to read this assignment completely before beginning.

3 Learn Different Buffer Management Strategies (30%) -due Sunday, Sept. 14, 7pm, before the rest of the project.

The textbook describes LRU, MRU and CLOCK strategies in section 9.4.1. However, you may need to read the whole section of 9.4 to get a full image of buffer manager in DBMS.

You will also work with an algorithm we will call SIMPLECLOCK.  This algorithm is just like the CLOCK algorithm, but with no second chance bit.  Thus, whenever the hand of the clock hits an unpinned page, it replaces it.

As a first step, we present a small exercise to test your knowledge of the replacement strategies. For LRU, MRU, CLOCK, and SIMPLECLOCK you need to trace the buffer contents for a 4-page bufferpool given the workload listed below. For your solutions, list each time that a memory access caused a “miss” in the buffer pool (i.e., a page is read that is not currently in the buffer pool), where the page is put in the buffer pool, and which (if any) page is evicted from the buffer pool to make room for the missing page. Assume time starts from T1 and moves forward by one on each page reference. 

Assume there are four page slots your buffer manager must manage: P1, P2, P3, and P4. All four slots are empty to start. When the buffer pool has unused slots (such as at the beginning, when all four slots are empty), it will put newly read data in the first unused slotk.  The pages to be read from disk are labelled A through G.  For each access the page is pinned, and then immediately unpinned.  (You cannot make this same assumption when writing the actual code. A page may be pinned for any length of time.)  Solution format for this step: You must record your answers in a plain text file called strategies. The file will contain access information for LRU, MRU, CLOCK, and SIMPLECLOCK.  The format of the file is as follows:
 For example, given the workload:
Page Read
T1 A
T2 B
T3 C
T4 D
T5 E
T6 A
T7 B
T8 C
T9 D
T10 E

 the file would list pages evicted per LRU, MRU, CLOCK, and SIMPLECLOCK as follows:

T1 P1
T2 P2
T3 P3
T4 P4
T5 P1 A
T6 P2 B
T7 P3 C
T8 P4 D
T9 P1 E
T10 P2 A

T1 P1
T2 P2
T3 P3
T4 P4
T5 P4 D
T9 P3 C

T1 P1
T2 P2
T3 P3
T4 P4
T5 P1 A
T6 P2 B
T7 P3 C
T8 P4 D
T9 P1 E
T10 P2 A

T1 P1
T2 P2
T3 P3
T4 P4
T5 P1 A
T6 P2 B
T7 P3 C
T8 P4 D
T9 P1 E
T10 P2 A

The following table provides a list of page accesses at each time step. Based on this information, you should determine when and which pages are evicted from the buffer pool.

Time Page Read
T1 A
T2 B
T3 C
T4 A
T5 D
T6 E

Note that not each time is listed for each strategy, since not each time has a buffer miss. Note also that the third column will be blank when the buffer miss does not result in an eviction.

4 Compile and Test PostgreSQL

Everything needed for this project is available at ~cs186/fa03/Hw1/hw1_pkg.tar.gz on all instructional machines. To begin with, untar the file:
gtar -xvzf ~cs186/fa03/Hw1/hw1_pkg.tar.gz

This creates a Hw1 directory.  Inside, you will see three subdirectories in your Hw1/ directory, which are:
  1. postgresql-7.2.2/: Source code of PostgreSQL version 7.2.2. Little code was changed between this version and the actual version. The block size was changed to be smaller, in order to generate more I/Os. We added some scripts to help you compile your code. We also added some debugging/logging lines in the code.
  2. src/: In this directory you will find freelist.c.mru, which is our implementation of MRU. PostgreSQL ships with LRU, so our implementation of MRU is intended to provide you with an example of how to change the buffer manager’s replacement policy. You will want to compare this code to postgresql-7.2.2/backend/storage/buffer/freelist.c to study the changes we made. You will also find stub/ in this directory, which is the test harness code we will discuss later in Section 5.3.
  3. exec/: Some scripts you need to run your code.
Here are instructions for compiling PostgreSQL and updating your implementation to PostgreSQL.
cd Hw1/postgresql-7.2.2
NOTE: You should edit your own versions of freelist.c and buf internals.h in the src/ directory, and use the ./update.sh command to install them.

We STRONGLY recommend that you do not modify the files in the postgresql-7.2.2 directory directly! update.sh will use your files to replace related files in src/backend/storage/buffer/ and src/include/storage/, and compile your code with PostgreSQL. The original LRU files have been copied for your reference as *.c.lru and *.h.lru in their original directories. Of course you need to pay attention to any errors produced by the compiler while running this script.

5 Implement CLOCK (40%)

5.1 How to implement?

LRU (Least Recently Used) is the most common policy used by operating and database systems. However, direct implementation of LRU is pretty expensive. So some systems use a policy called “CLOCK” instead. While “CLOCK” approximates the behavior of the LRU scheme, it is much faster.

The description of “CLOCK” algorithm is available in Section 9.4.1 of the textbook. We give a description here to assist your implementation.

To implement the “CLOCK” replacement policy, you need to maintain the following information. You are free to maintain additional information if you want. But the following two pieces of information are necessary.
  1. A referenced bit associated with each page. Each time a page in the buffer pool is done being accessed, the referenced bit associated with the corresponding frame should be set to 1 before the page is considered for replacement. In your implementation, you can simply set the referenced bit to 1 when you unpin a page and its pin count goes to 0 – that is the first time that the the page is available to the replacement strategy.
  2. The “clock hand” (current in the textbook): varies between 0 and NBuffers - 1, where NBuffers is the number of buffers in the PostgreSQL buffer pool. Each time a page needs to be found for replacement, the search begins from from the current page and advances to ‘current = (current + 1) % NBuffers’ if not found (i.e. in a clockwise cycle).
Each page in the buffer pool is in one of three states:
To find a page for replacement, you start from the current page, repeat the following  steps until you find a page or all pages are pinned. If:

5.2 Which files to modify?

The actual implementation of CLOCK is rather straightforward once you understand the existing code. One hint we’d like to give here is that you don’t need to bother with the LRU freelist queue. You can add and manage any new data structure you need without doing anything with the old ones. The existing code is not extremely clear, but it is understandable. It may take you a few hours (or more) to understand it. Since understanding the existing code is a significant part of the assignment, the TAs and Professor will not assist you in understanding the existing code (beyond what we discuss here).

The actual buffer manager code is neatly separated from the rest of the codebase. It is located in src/backend/storage/buffer and src/include/storage. For CLOCK, we are interested in modifying only two files.

src/backend/storage/buffer/freelist.c , manages which pages are not pinned in memory, and which pages are eligible for replacement.

src/include/storage/buf internals.h contains the definition for each buffer description (called BufferDesc). Most of the fields in BufferDesc are managed by other parts of the code, but for effciency some fields are used to manage the buffer space while it is eligible for replacement (when it’s on the existing LRU freelist).

Some initialization of the queue occurs in src/backend/storage/buffer/buf init.c. However, you must do all your initialization in freelist.c.

You will modify these two files to change the implementation from the existing LRU queue to the CLOCK discipline. You may find that you do not need to edit both files or change many of the functions.

N.B.: You may need to declare global variables to make your code work. While this is generally poor programming style and you may have been taught to avoid it, it is the most natural solution given the existing structure of PostgreSQL. It’s wise to use the C modifier static to limit the scope of your global variable to a single .c file.

Your code will be tested with both our test harness stub (30%, see description below) and running in PostgreSQL on a real dataset (10%). Unfortunately there is no partial credit for each test. Be sure it is correct. A bad buffer manager makes the rest of the system useless!

5.3 How to debug?

We suggest that you debug by running a debugger on the Postgres backend in standalone mode. More information on using the backend in stand-alone mode is available at:


We suggest you following steps for debugging (this is not a requirement, of course, but we thought you’d find this method useful):
  1. If you want to log which pages are loaded and which pages hit, add #define CS186 HW1 DEBUG in your buf interals.h. The debugging code we added for you is in src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c, and you are welcome to read or even change it as you see fit. You can also use following function to add your own entries to the Postgres debugging output: elog(DEBUG,<format>,<arg>) – see bufmgr.c for examples (Use (postgres >& <filename>) to redirect the debugging output to some file.)
  2. Update and compile your code using update.sh as described in section 4. You don’t need to use ’gmake install’ to install it here!
  3. Prepare your data directory: run ./init.sh <DATADIR> and ./pre.sh <DATADIR> in ~/Hw1/exec (The data directory you created in Homework 0 may not be compatible with this project, because we changed block size of each buffer smaller than the original PostgreSQL. So, make sure you create a new directory). ./pre.sh will create a database named ”test” and two tables. NOTICE: the script will completely remove the <DATADIR>. So be careful.
  4. Run src/backend/postgres (in a debugger if you like). Make sure you are running this version of postgres, not the one in the class account directory! To start the backend server in stand-alone mode, run src/backend/postgres -s -D <DATADIR> test. It will use the data directories (and data) you prepared in the last step. The interface is directly to the backend, so psql features will not work. If your binary does not work correctly, it may corrupt the data, so be warned.
  5. Through the backend, you can directly type SQL statements, although the output is somewhat painful to read. To exit, type CTRL-D. In addition, the -s option will tell the server to print statistics at the end of each query, including the number of buffer hits! Finally, you can restrict the number of buffers PostgreSQL will use by adding the -B <nbuffers> option (<nbuffers> should not be smaller than 16.) so that even small queries generate buffer misses.
Test harness stub: A small test harness stub program is available in ~Hw1/src/stub/*. Copy your versions of freelist.c and buf internals.h to override the original ones in src/stub, and run make to compile the test harness stub. You may want to modify the stub to add additional test cases. The actual test stub we use for grading will be different; the one provided is only for your convenience (and to make sure your code will compile with our test stub)!

6 Compare performance of LRU, MRU and CLOCK (30%)

Here you will compare CLOCK with LRU and MRU. There are three scripts we
prepared for you, all in ~/Hw1/exec:
  1. ./init.sh <DATADIR>: the script for you to init the data.
  2. ./pre.sh <DATADIR> [index]: [index] is an optional flag that you will use in some experiments to create a table with an index on its primary key.
  3. ./run.sh <logfile> <DATADIR> <clock|lru|mru> <bufnum>: Make sure you have compiled (Refer to Section 4 about how to compile) and installed (Use “gmake install”) your CLOCK version before you run it with the clock flag. The statistics of the query will be written in <logfile>. <DATADIR> is the same directory as (1) and (2). Use clock, lru or mru to assign which replace policy you want to use. <bufnum> is the number of buffers you want to use.
The <logfile> you get is like:

! system usage stats:
! ... ... ... ...
! system usage stats:
! ... ... ... ...
! postgres usage stats:
! Shared blocks: 842 read, 0 written, buffer hit rate = 86.31%
! ... ... ... ...

This is interpreted as follows: 842 is the actual read requests that had to be passed onto the disk (= total page requests for reads - buffer hits for reads), and 86.31% is the hit rate of the query (= total buffer hits for reads / total page requests for reads).  The SQL scripts of creating tables and running queries are available at ~cs186/fa03/Hw1/*.sql.  You can read them if you’re interested. The query.sql script basically does:
SELECT * from S,R where R.fkey=S.key.
You are asked to do two experiments.
./init.sh <DATADIR>
./pre.sh <DATADIR>
Run ./run.sh with lru or mru or clock and different <bufnum>, fill table below:

<bufnum> 250 270 290 310 330 350



./init.sh <DATADIR>
./pre.sh <DATADIR> index
Run ./run.sh with lru or mru or clock and different <bufnum>, fill table below:

<bufnum> 250 270 290 310 330 350



Please answer some questions based on experiment results you get:
  1. For experiment 1, did each strategy perform as we described in class? Answer yes or no, and explain your answer.
  2. For experiment 2, what are the main differences compared with experiment 1? Explain the cause of these differences.
  3. Tables R and S are the same size. Can you tell the approximate <bufnum> used by R (or S)? How do you know that?
A Hint: In answering the questions above, you may be interested to know that PostgreSQL uses 278 buffers to initialize your query (e.g. load system tables), and unpins these buffers before the query begins running.

7 Submit

By Sunday, September 14, 7pm PDT, you must submit the first part of the assignment (no slip days may be used for this part):
  1. README - the members of your group (names and class accounts).
  2. strategies - answers to the first part, in the correct format!
By Thursday, September 18, 7pm PDT, you must submit at least 4 files (even if they are incomplete or unchanged):
  1. README - the members of your group (names and class accounts), what works, and what doesn’t.
  2. freelist.c.clock - CLOCK implementation
  3. buf internals.h.clock - CLOCK implementation
  4. perf.txt - TEXT ONLY! Performance comparison, tables, answer to the question.
Make sure all the files above are in a directory called ~/Project1 in one of your group member’s class account. cd to that directory, and type submit Project1 to submit the files. Each group only needs to submit once. If there are multiple submissions, the last submission by any group member will be used for grading and the calculation of slip days.