University of California, Berkeley

CS 186 Spring 2007

Homework Project 1 - The Buffer Manager

Due February 8, 2007 10:00 pm

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Reading and writing pages from main memory to disk is an important task of a database system.  Main memory is partitioned into collections of pages, and the collection of pages is called the buffer pool. The buffer pool is organized into frames, and each frame in the buffer pool can hold a page that is brought in from the disk. The buffer manager is responsible for bringing pages from disk to the the buffer pool when they are needed, and writing pages back to the disk when they have been updated.  The buffer keeps a pin count and dirty flag for each frame in the buffer pool.  The pin count records the number of times a page has been requested but not released, and the dirty flag records whether the page has been updated or not.  As the buffer pool fills, some pages may need to be removed in order to make room for new pages. The buffer manager uses a replacement policy to choose pages to be flushed from the buffer pool.  The strategy used can greatly affect the performance of the system. LRU (least recently used), MRU (most recently used) and Clock are different policies that appropriate to use under different conditions.

You can (and should!) attend the relevant lectures and read more about buffer management in chapter 9 of the Cow book before you get started.


In this assignment, you will implement a simple buffer manager for the Minibase database system, a small relational database system that we will use for our projects this semester.  In Homework 0, you should have already downloaded minibase, compiled it, and run it.  In each of homework projects 1, 2, and 4, we'll add a new component to minibase.  Below we briefly describe the components of Minibase you need to know about for this assignment.  The javadoc for these classes can be found in here

The global package contains definitions that will be used throughout the project.  The most important class to become familiar with for this assignment is  Systemdefs maintains the state of the minibase database, including the database on disk (JavabaseDB) and the buffer pool (JavabaseBM).  The source is available

The diskmgr package manages the database on disk. The disk manager is already implemented for you; you will not need to make any modifications. Its two most important classes are, which implements a disk page, and, which provides an API to create and delete a database of pages (on disk) and read and write pages to that database.  Your buffer manager will make use of this package, and in particular, the DB class. The source is available here.

The exceptions package provides the base definition of a minibase exception.  The ChainException class maintains a stack of exceptions thrown from different components in minibase (such as disk manager and buffer manager).  Many exceptions have already been defined that you can use to indicate various error conditions that can occur.  You can also define additional subclasses of ChainException to handle specific error conditions if there is not already an existing exception.

Homework project description

Your job is to implement the buffer manager (in the bufmgr package) that will allow a higher-level minibase component to allocate and deallocate pages on a disk, as well as pin, read from and write to, and  unpin disk pages in the buffer pool. Your buffer manager should be able to create a buffer pool with frames for disk pages and support  MRU and Clock replacement policies.

Download to get started.  This is a complete eclipse project zipped into a single file, but you can also run everything from the command line.  Instructions were provided with Homework 0 to describe how to copy zip files to your cs186 account and how to use Eclipse to build your application.

The unzipped directory will contain a few things to help you get started:

The bufmgr directory.  This directory contains class definitions that you will need to modify. It contains class definitions for the following classes: The tests directory.  This directory contains a driver program that you can use to test your buffer manager.  It contains a single class:


This homework project, as well as projects 2 and 4, will be carried out in teams of two.  Please choose a partner as soon as possible.  If you need help looking for a partner, you can post to the class newsgroup  or ask your GSI to help you find a partner.  Once you have identified your group, please register here. Please submit the registration form only once per group!

Note that your project will be tested with respect to the functionality of the replacement policies, and the facilities that the Buffer Manager provides to the rest of the minibase components under a variety of workloads. Make sure you are extra careful about uncaught exceptions or null pointers lurking in "dark corners" of your code. Also note that, as always, the EECS departmental policy on Academic Honesty will be strictly enforced!

Submission Instructions

Each group only needs to submit once. If there are multiple submissions, the last submission by any group member will be used for grading and the calculation of slip days.