import search import util ## Module Classes class Maze: """ A Maze is represented by a 2-D matrix, or grid, of spaces, which are either clear or blocked. The grid passed in should be square (have the same number of rows as columns) Note: When you alter cell (x,y), the x corresponds to the row number (the vertical axis) and the y corresponds to the column or horizontal axis Each cell of the grid should be a single character. '#': Indicates an obstacle cell (impassable) '~': Indicates a water cell (passable but expensive) ' ': Empty Square (passable) 'S': Indicates the starting cell 'E': Indicates the exit cell """ def __init__(self,grid): """ grid: Should be a 2-D matrix: a list of lists e.g. [['#','S',' '],['#',' ','E']] Each of the sub-lists should be of the same length so that the grid is rectangular Constructs a maze from the passed in grid """ self.grid = grid self.numRows = len(grid) self.numCols = len(grid[0]) for i in range(self.numRows): for j in range(self.numCols): if len(grid[i]) != self.numCols: raise "Grid is not Rectangular" if grid[i][j] == 'S': self.startCell = (i,j) if grid[i][j] == 'E': self.exitCell= (i,j) if self.exitCell == None: raise "No Start Cell in Grid" if self.startCell == None: raise "No Exit Cell in Grid" def isPassable(self, x, y): """ x: row position y: col position Returns true if the (x,y) cell is passable, i.e is a ' ' or '~' """ return self.isWater(x, y) or self.isClear(x, y) def isWater(self, x, y): """ x: row position y: col position Returns true if the (x,y) cell is water, i.e is a '~' """ return self.grid[x][y] == '~' def isClear(self, x, y): """ x: row position y: col position Returns true if the (x,y) cell is clear, i.e is a ' ' """ return self.grid[x][y] == ' ' def isBlocked(self, x,y): """ x: row position y: col position Returns true if the (x,y) cell is blocked, i.e has a '#' char """ return self.grid[x][y] == '#' def setBlock(self, x, y): """ x: row position y: col position Place a block at the (x,y) position of the grid. The cell must be clear """ if(self.grid[x][y] != 'S' and self.grid[x][y] != 'E'): self.grid[x][y] = '#' def setClear(self, x, y): """ x: row position y: col position Sets the (x,y) to be clear if the cell is not the start or the exit of the maze """ if(self.grid[x][y] != 'S' and self.grid[x][y] != 'E'): self.grid[x][y] = ' ' def setWater(self, x, y): """ x: row position y: col position Sets the (x,y) to be clear if the cell is not the start or the exit of the maze """ if(self.grid[x][y] != 'S' and self.grid[x][y] != 'E'): self.grid[x][y] = '~' def getNumRows(self): """ Returns number of rows in maze """ return self.numRows def getNumCols(self): """ Return number of cols in maze """ return self.numCols def getStartCell(self): """ Returns (x,y) position of start cell """ return self.startCell def getExitCell(self): """ Returns (x,y) position of exit cell """ return self.exitCell def __getAsciiString(self): """ Returns a display string for the maze """ lines = [] headerLine = ' ' + ('-' * (self.numCols)) + ' ' lines.append(headerLine) for row in self.grid: rowLine = '|' + ''.join(row) + '|' lines.append(rowLine) lines.append(headerLine) return '\n'.join(lines) def __str__(self): return self.__getAsciiString() class MazeSearchProblem(search.SearchProblem): """ Implementation of a SearchProblem for the Maze World domain Each state is encoded as a (x,y) pair for the position in the grid. The start state is the start cell for the maze and the only goal is the Maze exit cell. """ def __init__(self,maze): """ """ self.maze = maze self.numNodesExpanded = 0 self.expandedNodeSet = {} def getStartState(self): """ """ return self.maze.getStartCell() def isGoalState(self,state): """ """ return state == self.maze.getExitCell() def __isValidState(self,state): """ state: Cell position Returns true is the given state corresponds to an unblocked and valid maze position """ x,y = state if x < 0 or x >= self.maze.getNumRows(): return False if y < 0 or y >= self.maze.getNumCols(): return False return not self.maze.isBlocked(x,y) def getSuccessors(self,state): """ state: Cell position Returns list of (successor,cost) pairs where each succesor is either left, right, up, or down from the original state and the cost is 1.0 for each """ # Update Search Stats self.numNodesExpanded += 1 self.expandedNodeSet[state] = 1 states = [] x,y = state # Right states.append((x,y+1)) # Down states.append((x+1,y)) # Left states.append((x,y-1)) # Up states.append((x-1,y)) # So successors appear in order (Right,Down,Left,Up) states.reverse() return [(x,self.getCost(x)) for x in states if self.__isValidState(x)] def getCost(self, state): """ Returns the step cost of entering each terrain type. Blank spaces have cost 1. Water spaces have cost 5. """ x, y = state if self.maze.isClear(x, y): return 1 elif self.maze.isWater(x, y): return 5 elif state == self.maze.getStartCell() or state == self.maze.getExitCell(): return 1 else: raise "The cost of an impassable cell is undefined." def getMaze(self): return self.maze # Search Stats def displaySearchStats(self): """ Display number of nodes expanded by 'getSuccessors' """ print 'Number of nodes expanded:',self.numNodesExpanded print 'Number of unique nodes expanded:', len(self.expandedNodeSet) def resetSearchStats(self): self.numNodesExpanded = 0 self.expandedNodeSet = {} ## Simple Maze Agent class SimpleMazeAgent(search.SearchAgent): """ Keeps moving to the right as long as it can """ def solve(self, mazeSearchProblem): solution = [] cost = 0.0 cell = mazeSearchProblem.getStartState() # Move to the right as long as we can while True: solution.append(cell) if mazeSearchProblem.isGoalState(cell): return solution, cost nextCell, nextCost = None, 0.0 for successor, stepCost in mazeSearchProblem.getSuccessors(cell): delta_y = successor[1]-cell[1] if delta_y == 1: # Right nextCell = successor nextCost = stepCost break if nextCell != None: cell = nextCell cost += nextCost else: print "SimpleMazeAgent: Can't move right, quitting" return (None, 0.0) ## Maze Heuristic Function Classes def manhattanDistance(state, mazeSearchProblem): """ Returns the Manhattan distance between the state and the goal for the provided maze. The manhattan distance between points (x0,y0) and (x1,y1) is |x0-x1| + |y0-y1| """ maze = mazeSearchProblem.maze delta_x = maze.getExitCell()[0] - state[0] delta_y = maze.getExitCell()[1] - state[1] return abs(delta_x) + abs(delta_y) ## Module Methods def testAgentOnMaze(agent, maze, verbose=True): """ Test the search agent 'agent' on the 'maze' and prints the cost of the solution and also displays the maze along with 'x' for the cells used in the solution and 'o' for cells expanded but not used in the solution """ problem = MazeSearchProblem(maze) solution, cost = agent.solve(problem) if solution == None: print 'No solution found!' problem.displaySearchStats() problem.resetSearchStats() return if verbose: grid_copy = [] for row in maze.grid: grid_copy.append([x for x in row]) for x,y in problem.expandedNodeSet: ch = maze.grid[x][y] if ch != 'S' and ch != 'E': grid_copy[x][y] = 'o' for x,y in solution: ch = maze.grid[x][y] if ch != 'S' and ch != 'E': grid_copy[x][y] = 'x' maze_copy = Maze(grid_copy) print maze_copy print "x - cell used in solution" print "o - cell expanded during search" print "-------------------------------" print 'Solution cost:', cost problem.displaySearchStats() def readMazeFromFile(file): """ file: Name of file containing maze Returns a Maze instance """ fin = open(file) lines = grid = [] for line in lines: grid.append(list(line)) return Maze(grid) def createEmptyMaze(rows, cols): """ Returns an empty (rows x cols) maze with a central entrace and an exit at the right """ grid = [] for i in range(rows): grid.append([' ' for x in range(cols)]) grid[rows/2][cols/2] = 'S' grid[rows/2][cols-1] = 'E' return Maze(grid)