Frequencies and Gradients

Explore applications of frequency domain and gradient domain perception-driven image editing.

A CS 194-26 project by Kevin Lin, cs194-26-aak

Traditional image editing software work by manipulating raw pixel intensities on a 2-dimensional grid, but the choice to work in this spatial domain is largely a consequence of implementation ease rather than user interest. This leads to serious user experience problems: blending two images, for example, requires a painstaking process to carefully mask relevant pixels.

We present several different frequency domain and gradient domain processing tools which allow users to broadcast changes across an image with Gaussian and Laplacian convolution filters and gradient propagation Poisson blending.

Getting Started

The package is written in Python 3 and requires a recent version of numpy and scikit-image. Invoke the file to run each tool.


We implement the well-studied unsharp masking image sharpening technique. A blurred, or "unsharp", copy of the image is used to extract high frequency components which is then added back to the original image to enhance the perceptual sharpness.

Lenna, original
Lenna, sharpened
Lenna, strongly sharpened

Hybrid Images

Hybrid images are static images that change in interpretation as a function of the viewing distance.

Human perception is sensitive to different frequencies at different distances. High frequency components tend to dominate visual perception when visible, but as the viewer draws away and the high frequency details are no longer perceived, the underlying low frequencies are revealed.

A well-known example is Salvador Dali's Gala Contemplating the Mediterranean Sea which at Twenty Meters Becomes the Portrait of Abraham Lincoln.

We emulate Dali's frequency domain effects by combining the high frequency components of one image with the low frequency components of another. To improve the effect, it is necessary to align the images to reduce visual discontinuities. This was done by collecting user input.

Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones.
Jon Snow, also from Game of Thrones.
Is it Jon, or is it Daenerys?
Analysis for Daenerys's input image.
Analysis for Jon's input image.
Analysis for the hybrid output image.

The filtered image analysis provides better insight into which components of the final image are from Jon and which components are from Daenerys.

Analysis for Daenerys's filtered components which appear in the output.
Analysis for Jon's filtered components which appear in the output.
Analysis for the hybrid output image which contains both of the filtered components (same as above).

From the examples we tried, we believe that color enhances the effect for the high frequency components, but tends to distract and contribute less for low frequency components.

We also created another image featuring LeBron and Trump, but LeBron's disappointment and facial features seem to overshadow Trump's anger in the low frequencies even when viewing the hybrid image from afar.

A disappointed LeBron James.
An angry Donald Trump.
The result.
LeBron, filtered.
Trump, filtered.
Analysis of the result.

Frequency Stacks

To help analyze and interpret the visual results of frequency domain blending, we visualized each image's Gaussian and Laplacian stacks. Gaussian stacks are the result of repeatedly applying a gaussian filter over the source image, yielding blurrier and blurrier images. The Laplacian stack builds from the Gaussian stack by finding the difference between adjacent blurred images in the stack. This difference represents the amount of information captured by a particular frequency band.

To line up results, we repeat the final Gaussian layer in the Laplacian stack results.

Multiresolution Blending

An image spline is a smooth seam joining two image together by gently distorting them.

Multiresolution blending computes a gentle seam between the two images seperately at each band of image frequencies, resulting in a much smoother seam.

An apple.
An orange.
Naive blending.
Multiresolution blending.
The Golden Gate Bridge.
A dragon from Game of Thrones.
Naive blending.
Multiresolution blending.
Bob Ross.
Alyosha Efros.
Naive blending.
Multiresolution blending.

A Toy Problem

[T]he gradient is a multi-variable generalization of the derivative. While a derivative can be defined on functions of a single variable, for functions of several variables, the gradient takes its place...

In the case of images, gradients work like 2D derivatives. Gradient domain processing starts from a simple principle: instead of recording individual pixel intensities, we can instead record neighboring gradients to capture the same information. In fact, we can fully express an image using only the gradients a single intensity to recover the constant factor lost during derivation.

These results were obtained from formulating a system of linear equations, each equation representing a single pixel's gradient x-direction or y-direction constraint. We then used a linear system solver to compute the original image subject to the additional constraint that the upper left corner of the image matches the input.

Original Toy Story.
Reconstructed Toy Story.

Poisson Blending

Poisson blending extends on our existing frequency domain blending techniques which left much to be desired. If our only constraint is the gradient, or details that change across an image, then Poisson blending may be the better technique.

Let's start by comparing some of the results. On the left is our baseline image splining multiresolution blending technique. While it does a good job with preserving interior details, there is a harsh discontinuity between Bob Ross's face and Efros's face. The standard Poisson blend improves on texture matching, but still can't quite overcome the differences in color and intensity especially around the neck area.

Multiresolution blend of Alyosha Efros and Bob Ross.
Poisson blend of Alyosha Efros and Bob Ross.
Mixed blend of Alyosha Efros and Bob Ross.

Finally, we also developed a mixed blending method to allow adaptive transparency from the target image (the background). In the mixed blending mode, instead of universally preferring the masked source image gradients, we instead choose the stronger of the taret and source image gradients to help preserve existing details in the target image that might be overwritten by lower-intensity graphics in the source image.

None of the techniques, however, seem to work well with Efros and Ross due to the great disparity in lighting conditions and visual continuity. Even after manipulating the mask, we weren't able to significantly improve the result: the source images are too different.

We also revisited the 'orapple' from earlier. Notice how the color of the apple is a little different: it's assimilated into the orange as part of the gradient.

Naive blend of an apple and an orange.
Multiresolution blend.
Poisson-blended orapple.

Our favorite blending result combined a sunset with the dragon from before.

Naive blend with a close mask.
Poisson blend with a close mask.
Mixed blend with a close mask.
Naive blend with an expanded mask.
Poisson blend with an expanded mask.
Mixed blend with an expanded mask.
Naive blend with a very wide mask.
Poisson blend with a very wide mask.
Mixed blend with a very wide mask.

The close mask (as used in the multiresolution blend earlier) doesn't look right: the gradient solution is attempting to smooth over the colors and intensities of the sky so as to match the color of the dragon whereas the dragon should be an entirely different color.

The 3px 'expanded' mask turned out the best. The dragon's original background sky isn't perceptible as it's hidden under the contour of the dragon, but it also serves as a buffer for the gradient solution to smoothly adjust for the lighting difference.

But in the case of the very wide mask, the original background begins to leak through. Mixed blending doesn't help in this situation as the sunset background is a fairly low gradient.

To better showcase the effects of mixed blending, see what happens below when we try to blend a blank-background text against a the textured sunset.

E = mc^2 original source image.
Poisson blend.
Mixed blend.

Notice that, in the case of standard Poisson blending, the smooth gradient of the background extracted from the mask are preserved and only very gradually changed. This creates the blurry impression in the Poisson blending example.

Compare this result with the mixed blend which computes the result by taking the more prominent of the two input image gradients. The sunset, which has a larger gradient than that of the white background, takes precendence over the smooth background.