Fun with Frequencies and Gradients!

By Anaga Rajan

Part 1: Frequency Domain

1.1 Warmup

For this section I applied a gaussian filter on my desired image, with sigma=5, to created a blurred copy. After removing this blur from the original image, I was left with the detail. After weighting this detail with alpha (chosen based on image) and adding it on top of the original image, I was able to create a more detailed, sharper image.



Less defined rose, blurred leaves



Defined rose and leaves

1.2 Hybrid Images

For this section I applied the gaussian filter on the base image, which created a blurry effect and then overlayed the details of the other image on the top (Daenerys). I chose sigma values of 2.5 and 4.5 through experimentaion. The end product appears like a hybrid of the two images.

The second example (rose + sunflower) was not as successful as the first example. This is due to the fact that the inner portion of the rose, which includes the inner petals, takes away the distinguising texure of the inner sunflower. Without this texture, we cannot see the important property of the sunflower and recognize it, even from a higher resolution.

Image 1 - Detail

Image 2 - Blur


Cersei Lannister + Daenerys

Image 1 - Blur

Image 2 - Detail


Rose + Sunflower

Fourier Analysis

Input Image 1 (Daenerys)

Input Image 2 (Cersei)

Low Pass (Image1)

High Pass (Image2)


1.3 Gaussian and Laplacian Stacks

In this section I derive the laplacian image at level i by subtracting the i+1th gaussian from the ith gaussian.

Gaussian Stack

Laplacian Stack

1.4 Multiresolution Blending

For this section I used the laplacian/gaussian stacks from 1.3 to blend together images. The first example shows the sample apple and orange example. This example uses a simple filter that just cuts the image in half then seams together.

The second example is a more complex mask where we mask only the cottage and paste it onto the image of the sunflower field. This example works well because the behind of the cottage matches the trees in the sunflower field where we merged the images.

The third blending doesn't show great results. The bird is extremely washed out by the sky background. This is probably due to the light background that the bird is placed on, which blurs the bird out too much

Right Image

Left Image


Apple + Orange




Field + Cottage




Field + Cottage

Part 2: Least Squares

2.1 Toy Problem

The toy problem involved setting up a least-squares problem wherein we try to match the gradient of adjacent pixels from the toy picture (both horizontally and vertically), then matching the top left pixel exactly. The reconstructed image is thus recreated, but not exactly, for though we try to minimize the differences, the pixels are slightly darker in the reconstructed image.

Right Image

Left Image

2.2 Poisson Blending

For this section I used least squares to match a source image into a target image. The first and last examples are pretty well done and smoothly blend a foreground image onto a background. I tried to make sure that the source images were already contained in images similar to the target to more smoothly paint the pictures onto the target. In the last example (the two girls on the mountain), I also inculde the raw image with the picture imposed but not blended. Here you can see how they were already in a green background which smoothly blended into the mountain scenery.
The middle picture (peacock at the taj mahal) isn't as smooth due to the fact that the original peacock was on a dark green grass surface while the target image is much more intense and very blue. As an effect the peacock coloring is skewed extremely blue.








Raw Image



Comparing Laplacian and Poisson Blending

Here we compare the ship and bird example from the laplacian with the same images blended by the poisson blending technique. Here we can see that poisson is far better at blending the images. The poisson blending technique doesn't wash out the bird to match its' background but rather changes its intensity to to the background.

Laplacian Blending

Poisson Blending