CS194-26: Project 4

Face Morphing

Joseph Jiang

Computing the "Mid-way Face"

The midway face is computing by averaging the shape of the two images and the color. First, we collect the corresponding points in the two images- nose to nose, mouth to mouth, and eyes to eyes. Since the points must correspond to one another, they must be selected in the same order.

With the corresponding points (2 sets of points from the two images), we can now compute the Delaunay triangluations of the corresponding points' midpoint (The point between the eye of im1 and the eye of im2).

Obama and George



Mid Point Image

Putin and Pitt



Mid Point Image

Ann and Rihanna

This image did not turn out as well because Rihanna hair covered part of her eyes and face so the midpoint face contains the shadow of her hair



Mid Point Image

The Morph Sequence

The sequence uses essentially the same logic as the mid-way face but uses 46 different fraction values to compute 46 frames of the "mid way" image (with increasing weights). So in the first frame, the first image should take up the entire image and in the last frame, the second image should take up the entire image. The frames in between have fractional weights of both images

Obama and George



Mid Point Image

Putin and Pitt



Mid Point Image

Ann and Rihanna



Mid Point Image

The "Mean face" of a population

Gathered data from 240 images to create the average face of a population- the image below is the result.

Mean Face

Mean Face

Mean Face with my face shape

My face with the Mean Face shape

Midpoint image of my face and Mean Face

Faces morphed to average




Caricatures: Extrapolating from the mean

We created Caricatures by bringing one of the images (me) further away from the other image. The following images below corresponds to different weights of how far we pulled the image away. As you can see, the modificaitons and effects increase as we increase the weights.




Change of Gender

The images below are change of gender picture from me to an average Chinese girl. The other two images morph only the shape and only the color respectively.

Ann and Rihanna

Joseph (me)

Average Chinese Female


Shape of Chinese Female

Colors of Chinese Female