William Choe Frank
CS194-26 Proj4

Face Morphing


In the this project, we created a visual morph between two faces. We achieve this by warping the shape of the imagaes and by cross dissolving the images for color. To do this, you first need to define "corrispondence points" on both faces that represents key features of each person such as eyes, mouth, nose, forehead shape, etc.

Along with the above, we computed the "mean" face of a population, and I included my own face to the mean set, and applied the features of the mean set to my own face. I also used this "mean" face to make carricatures of myself, and tried to change the gender of the subject of a photo.

More details of the process used to achieve each are in the parts' respective sections.

Defining Correspondences

First, we need to identify key points of each picture. It's important to choose a lot of points around facial features we (humans) tend to use to identify faces such as the eyes, mouth, chin, etc. For this warp, I chose myself, and my friend. I used approximately 40 points.

Here is the image of myself.
Here is the image of my friend
These are our faces with the corrispondence points I selected

Delauny Triangulations
will tri emilie tri

Computing the "Mid-way Face"

After defining correspondence points, we can compute the "mid-way" of the two faces. This is done in 3 steps.

1) Compute the average shape
The average shape of 2 images is their x,y coordinates divided by 2 and added together i.e. avergae_shape[y,x] = imA[y,x] * (1/2) + imB[y,x] * (1/2)

2) Warping both faces into that shape i.e. create warp from imA --> mid and imB --> mid

First, I used the average shape point set to create a Delaunay triangulation over the entire image. To make sure every point in the image is located a triangle, I added the corners of the image to my average point set. Now I can start to compute the warp from imA --> mid and imB to mid. For a given warp (let's say imA --> mid) for each triangle, I computed an Affine transformation matrix that maps point transformation from imA --> mid. Ax = x' where A is the Affine matrix, x is a vector of points in im1, and x' is a vector of points in im2. Then, I used inverse warping using inverse of A for every x,y coordinate of my image to determine where to map all points of imA to this warp. I repeated the above to calculate my 2nd warp of imB --> mid.

3) Averaging the colors together

For both of my warps, warpA and warpB, I cross-disolved the images using a weight of 1/2. midway = warpA * (1/2) + warpB * (1/2)

Midway Face
will and emilie mid
My friend

Note: Looking back I sholdn't have worn my glasses because it creates a ghosting effect where the midway image looks like they're transparent (like a ghost)

The Morph Sequence

The process of creating a morph between imA and imB is essentially using the same process as creating the mid-way face, just doing it multiple times while changing certain weights and values. First, we generalize computing the average shape. Instead of half of each image, we want (1 - i/45) of one image and i/45 of the other image. Second, we generalize the crossdisolving. Instead of just 1/2 of the color of each image, we again want (1-i/45) of one image and 1/45 of the other image where i is in range from 0 to the number of frames we want, which is 45.

Here is the morph sequence between me and my friend.
my gif

The "Mean face" of a population

Using a dataset of 37 Danish people, and predefined corrispondence points, we can compute the "mean face" of a Dane. To compute the "mean Dane", we first compute the average_shape of the Danes by adding all the corrispondence points and then dividing by the number of faces in our data set. Once we have the mean shape, we can morph each face into our poplution into the average shape. Once we compute all the average shapes for all the Danes, we can add them all together, and divide by the total number of faces to get the "average Danish face."

"Average Danish" face
mean danes
Original Danish Image 1
org danish person1
Morphed into the average shape
morph danish person1
Original Danish Image 2
org danish person2
Morphed into the average shape
morph danish person2
will org pop
Myself morphed into the "Average Danish" face shape
will is danish?
The average Danish face warp with my face in it as well
I guess the average Danish person smiles (or at least naturally smirks) b/c my original face was neutral, and now I have a smirk once I become Danish.

Caricatures: Extrapolating from the mean

I can make a caricature of myself by taking the difference of my face corrispondece points (my face shape) with the average Danish face shape, and then multiply it by a weight t, and then add that product to the average Danish face to get a carricature of myself.

c = (image_me_corr - avg_dane_corr) * w + avg_dane_corr

Set w:=-.5
Set w:=.5

Setting w > 0 decreases the overall size of my face while setting w < 0 greatly exagerates the size of face.

Bells and Whistles #1

I got the mean female Danish face set and I can use this to "change the gender" of my face.

"Average Female" Face
avg female face
will org pop
Me with "feminine" traits
female will

I mean, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? But seriously, you can see that certain traits have blended to become more like the average female img avg above, like my very round face has become a little more slender, along with my eyes. Also my skin has become more "fair". It's not perfect, but there's only so much an image can do to me.