CS194-26: Image Manipulation and Computational Photography, Fall 2017

Project 5: Lightfield Camera: Depth Refocusing and Aperture Adjustment with Light Field Data

Yanhe Chen

Part 1 : Depth Refocusing

The objects which are far away from the camera do not vary their position significantly when the camera moves around while keeping the optical axis direction unchanged. The nearby objects, on the other hand, vary their position significantly across images. Averaging all the images in the grid without any shifting will produce an image which is sharp around the far-away objects but blurry around the nearby ones. Similarly, shifting the images 'appropriately' and then averaging allows one to focus on object at different depths. In this part of the project, you will implement this idea to generate multiple images which focus at different depths.

constant C from -1 to 4[chess]

constant C from 0 to 5[lego yellow truck]

Part 2 : Aperture Adjustment

Averaging a large number of images sampled over the grid perpendicular to the optical axis mimics a camera with a much larger aperture. Using fewer images results in an image that mimics a smaller aperture. In this part of the project, you are required to generate images which correspond to different apertures while focusing on the same point.In the pictures below, radius are different. For chess, radius=0,2,4,6,7. For lego blue car and yellow truck, radius=1,3,5,7,9

for chess, logo blue car and yellow truck

Part3 : Summary

From different dataset, there are errors happening sometimes. For the yellow truck, the output looks a sudden jump at the very edges of the aperture.This occurs when adjacent lenslet images slightly overlap in the rectified camera image, which means views from opposite sides of the microscope aperture add together on the sensor.
