Jesse Luo - CS194 Project 5

CS194-26 Project 5

By Jesse Luo

Project 5: Lightfield Camera Depth Refocusing and Aperture Adjustment with Light Field Data

Depth Refocusing

The idea here is that we can shift the image to change the center and by doing the shifting, we can change where the focus of the image is. I found that using a scalar of 0 to 3 would go from the top of the image all the way down to the bottom of the image. The shifting was done based on the value parsed from the image. Below are some pictures and gifs.
Chess 1.5 scalar times shift
Vase 2.0 scalar times shift
Amethyst 1.0 scalar times shift

Aperture Adjustment

For Aperture Adustment, we use the aperture as a radius of image shifts we average over, so essentially it’ll be (8 - x, 8 + x) where x is the aperture. This simulates a real aperture since with a small aperture we’ll have a lot in focus due to less averaging over many photos, whereas a large aperture will be taking in a lot of light from different directions cause focus to be tight on some part of the image. I go from aperture 1 to 8.
Chess Aperture Gif
Aperture = 1
Aperture = 2
Aperture = 3
Aperture = 4
Aperture = 5
Aperture = 6
Aperture = 7
Aperture = 8


As a photographer it was really cool to see how such simple averaging and calculations over some images could produce these results…It intuitively makes sense but is also hard to wrap my head around.