CS194-26 Fall 2016 Project 6A


Imran Jami


This project was really interesting, because we got to learn about how to make different photographic effects by stitching images together. We were able make panoramic photos using homography and linear algebra to manipulate these images in their perspectives. The power of math is really cool and interesting, especially in this application.

Image Rectification

The first part of the project was about generating homography matrices. I derived these matrices, which transformed an image into another basis by the following formula:

And solved using this formula:

Here are a few examples of Image Rectification by using a rectangular shape to transform the images into a bird's eye view.

Image Mosaics

Here, I stitched together photos into a panorama. The following is an an example of a non blended vs a blended panorama that I computed.

Non Blended


As you can see, the blending enhanced the image on the right a lot and made the combined result a lot smoother. I did this by using a weighted technique that weights the center of the image a lot more, and blends the two images on the edges.

Below are a few more examples:

Morphed Image


Morphed image


What I Learned

I learned a lot about how we can use linear algebra to construct panoramic images. I always used to take this for granted, but seeing how much work and the technique of doing this has made me really appreciate the technology. I enjoyed this assignment very much and am happy that we had the opportunity to learn about this and execute it.

Website design template from https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs194-26/fa16/upload/files/proj1/cs194-26-aao/#impl