William Choe Frank
CS194-26 Proj6A

Image Warping and Mosaicing


The goal of this project is take two or more photographs and create an image mosaic by registering, projective warping, resampling, and compositing them. For this part A of the project, we manually selected corrispondence points between the 2 images we wished to combine into a mosaic. In part B, that process will be automated.

We will first discuss recovering homographies. Then we will show how those recovered homography matricies H can be used to warp images. Finally, we will then show how those warped images can be used to create a mosaic using linear blending.

Selecting Corrispondence Points

With the number of corrispondence points n being 4, we have enough information to recover the homography matrix, which will be shown in the next step, but in order to reduce noise and provide a more stable image, more than 4 points should be provided to make an overdetermined system.

Furthermore, points should be selected that corrispond to the same "object." Below is an example of this with 2 pictures of my laptop on my desk.

Note: For showing rectified images, this is slightly different and will be explained in it's own section

Corrispondence1 Corrispondence2

Recovering Homographies and Warping Images

The first step in creating a mosaic is to warp the images so they appear to be on the same "plane". We can project an image imA to the plane of a target image imB by recovering the Homography matrix H that captures this transformation.

Computing the homography matrix for a projection of imA -> imB is as shown by the matrix equation (Ax = b) below. Every 2 rows of A corrisponds to a single corrispondence point where x_1, y_1 are the x,y coordinates of the ith corrispondence point in imA, and x_1`,y_1` corrisponds to the x,y coordinates of the ith corrispondnce point in imB.


You can then use a least squares solver to solve for b which contains the entries of the H matrix.

With H, you can project imA to imB. To achieve this, I used the inverse warping technique that I used in project 4 to determine the new pixel values of image A, imA`.

Image Rectification

Using H, you can project single images into different "views" by e.g. clicking on four points that you know are a certain shape (i.e. square or rectangle), then setting the next set of 4 points to a programmically defined shape. In this case, imA and imB are the same image when computing H and doing warping, but what differs here are the 2 sets of 4 corrispondence you select. My results for this are below. The first image is the original followed by the rectified image.

For this sign, we know that it actually represents a rectangle so rectify the sign to show that.
heaven hell0 heaven hell1

For this table with drinks, we use the square pattern in the tile in the upper table to rectify this image from a top down view.
tea0 tea1

Image Mosaics

Here are 2 pictures of my neighborhood for which I will discuss creating a mosaic for.
lot0 lot1

First, I selected my corrispondence points around the olive house in both images. Using H and our warps of imA and imB computed in the previous part, we can compute mosaics of the 2 images. We achieve this by warping imB to the image plane of imA by using our computed H. Then we shift imA with respect to the warp that was just done. So right now we have a shifted imA, imA` and a warped imB, imB`.

imA` on the right; imB` on the left
lot warp0 lot warp1

Now we can use linear blending to blend the 2 together.
linear blend

Using a mask, and by using different alpha values depending on which image I am closer to, I blend the 2 warped images together to finally produce the mosaic (cropped).
lot mosaic

Other Image Mosaics

My Desk
mac0 mac1

imA` on the right; imB` on the left
mac warp0 mac warp1

Desk Mosaic
mac mosaic

Memorial Glade
memglade0 memglade1

imA` on the right; imB` on the left
memglade warp0 memglade warp1

Desk Mosaic
memglade mosaic

What I Learned

I built on concepts that project 4 built (using linear algebra to use change of basis matricies to project images to different planes). The coolest thing about this part was that by applying foundational concepts from linear algebra and photo computation, you can produce very good results! I was most surprised at how well you can rectify images, and now I'm curious what new information is already availble, and that cna be shown by rectifiing an image to a different direction (e.g. maybe seeing something from a different point of view in a crime case)