CS 194-26 Fall 2017

Project 6


Part A


For this part of the project, I took perspective photos of various buildings inside and outside Berkeley campus. I then warped the images taken at the same point for the same building and stitched them into a mosaic. I also took photos of objects and warped them so they are front parallel.

Recovering Homographies

The images I took for this project will be shown later in the warp image section. To recover homographies between pairs of images, I started by defining correspondence points for both images. Note that more than 4 correspondence points must be defined for each image to avoid noise and so that homography recovery can be more stable. Since having more than 4 correspondence points produces an overdetermined system, we must use least squares to solve for the homography.

Specifically, we have AH=b, where for each corresponding point pair (x, y) and (x', y') ...

A = [[x, y, 1, 0, 0, 0, -x * x', -y * x']
       [0, 0, 0, x, y, 1, -x * y', -y * y']]

b = [x',

H = [a,

This means that if we have 3 sets of (p, p') corresponding points ...

A = [[x1, y1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -x1 * x1', -y1 * x1']
       [0, 0, 0, x1, y1, 1, -x1 * y1', -y1 * y1']
       [x2, y2, 1, 0, 0, 0, -x2 * x2', -y2 * x2']
       [0, 0, 0, x2, y2, 1, -x2 * y2', -y2 * y2']
       [x3, y3, 1, 0, 0, 0, -x3 * x3', -y3 * x3']
       [0, 0, 0, x3, y3, 1, -x3 * y3', -y3 * y3']]

b = [x1',

Solving this least squares system gives us the a-h values of the 3x3 matrix H. Since we know that i = 1, we can recover H using the least squares solution and reshaping it so that ...

H = [[a, b, c]
        [d, e, f]
        [g, h, 1]]

Warping the Images

To warp images I first calculated a bounding box for the resulting warped image by applying H to the 4 corners of the original image. Then I warped the images using inverse transformations with H inverse to find, for each point in the warped image.

Note that it may be necessary to shift the bounding box if it contains negative coordinates. For this project, I warped the left image into the center image's projection and the right image into the center image's projection.

Images before and after warp:

Image Rectification

Rectifying an image can be done by defining 4 correspondence points on the image that make up the area we want to rectify. For the images below, the 4 correspondence points are the 4 corners of the signs. Then, we can define another set of 4 other correspondence points that form a square or a rectangle, then compute H and warp the area in the image into that rectangular shape.

Before and after rectifying an image:

Blend the images into a mosaic

For the project, I left the center image unwarped and warped the left and right images into its projection (as shown in the image warping section). To put these images together into a mosaic, I chose to add one warped image at a time. When constructing each mosaic, I first shift the images by adding rows/columns so that the predefined corresponding points line up. Then I create an empty mosaic image that is big enough to hold the results of combining both images. When blending the images, I used the simple feathering (weighted average) approach with an alpha value that is 1 at the center of the images being combined. This alpha falls off linearly until it hits 0 at the image edges.

Mosaic results (Berkeley Campus):

Wheeler Hall
Chang-Lin Tian Center

Mosaic results (Outside Berkeley Campus):

I did not have the time to go to San Francisco or places outside Berkeley this past week. The following mosaics are of Trader Joe's and Berkeley Plaza, which I think are relatively far from campus.

Note that minor artifacts, such as small feature mismatches and color differences are present. One possible cause of feature mismatches is small movements when taking the photos, since I did not have a camera with a tripod, and did the best I could to take these photos with my Samsung S7 phone. In addition, minor pixel offsets when manually defining corresponding points could have introduced small errors to the calculated homography. Color difference can be attributed to lighting differences between shots, which is particularly obvious for the Berkeley plaza mosaic.

What I learned

This project taught me how to recover homographies between two images using correspondence points. I also learned how to use those homographies to warp an image into the projection of another, how to rectify areas of an image, and how to piece warped images together into a mosaic. Overall I thought it was really cool to be able to warp and combine different perspective images of the same object into a mosaic.

Part B


For this part, I created a system for automatically stitching images into a mosaic by implementing a simplified version of the algorithm in the “Multi-Image Matching using Multi-Scale Oriented Patches” paper by Brown et al. Specifically, this deals with automatically finding corresponding feature points between mosaic images to use for recovering homographies. Then, using my image warping/mosaic stitching implementation and the photos I took for part A, I generated mosaics via automatic stitching.

Detecting Corner Features

Using the provided Harris corner detector sample code, I found Harris corner points on my images. Then I suppressed the number of points with Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression, using c_robust = 0.9. ANMS first finds the minimum suppression radius for each interest point, ri, which is given by:

I keep the 500 interest points with the largest minimum suppression radius.

Harris Corners (Black Dots):

Points after ANMS:

Extracting Feature Descriptors

I extracted axis-aligned 8x8 patches for each interest point after ANMS by sampling these 8x8 patches from a larger 40x40 window centered around each point. I first apply a gaussian filter to the 40x40 window with sigma = 2, then I use imresize to resize that window to a 8x8 patch. Then, the pixels in the 8x8 patches are bias/gain-normalized so that their average is 0 and their standard deviation is 1.

Matching Feature Descriptors Between Two Images

I found pairs of best matching features between the two images by first calculating the similiarity distance between two feature descriptors from two images using the provided dist2() function. Then, I threshold on the ratio of e_1-NN/ e_2-NN as suggested by Lowe, and if this ratio is less than 0.3, I match the feature from one image with its first nearest neighbor by similarity distance (which is a feature from the other image).

Points after Feature Matching:


I ran 4-point RANSAC with 10000 iterations on the matched interest points. In each iteration, 4 random matched interest point pairs (from feature matching) are selected and a homography matrix H is calculated from these point pairs. Then, I apply the homography to all of the matched interest points in one image and calculate the SSD between the point's new location and the location it's supposed to be at (which is the location of the interest point that the point is matched with in the other image). If this value is less than 2, the pair of interest points is considered an inlier. After all the iterations, the largest set of inliers is used to compute another homography matrix H which is used for warping the images to produce the mosaic.

Points after RANSAC:


Using the homography matrix H calculated from RANSAC, I warped the images and stitched the warped images together into a matrix using the code from part A of this project.


Wheeler Hall Mosaic Manual
Wheeler Hall Mosaic Automatic
VLSB Mosaic Manual
VLSB Mosaic Automatic
Trader Joe's Mosaic Manual
Trader Joe's Mosaic Automatic

What I Learned

I thought learning about feature matching and RANSAC was really cool because of how effective they are at automatically filtering out interest points and choosing the correct feature points to match together between images. Having to implement RANSAC from scratch also reinforced my understanding of how RANSAC works.