Final Project - Austin Leung

Fake Miniatures

Vertical Depth of Fields

In this part, I used ginput to select the area of focus. Then, I blurred sections that were horizontally or vertically a given distance from that point, which were determined by the depth of field parameter. The closer region was blurred with a smaller guassian kernel, and the further region was blurred with a slightly larger guassian kernel, to get a more blurred effect.

Colosseum: Before and After

This image comes from Travel and Leisure, and can be found at I used a vertical depth of field to blend away the stands on the right and left, and focus on the center of the Colosseum.

Golden Gate: Before and After

I took this photo back in 2015, when a couple friends and I were hiking up in the hills around Crissy Field in San Francisco. My friend was trying to take a picture of the surroundings, and I caught him mid-action. Here, I create a vertical depth of field to blur away the background and put my friend in focus.

Horizontal Depth of Fields

San Francisco: Before and After

This image comes from the San Francisco Chronicle, and can be found at I used a horizontal depth of field to focus on some of the buildings in the foreground, an blur away those in the back.

Warriors Game: Before and After

I took this photo back in 2014, as you can see Durant was still playing for OKC, when I went to a Warriors game with my family. Here, I used a horizontal depth of field to focus on the players and blur away the crowd.

Bells and Whistles

In this part, I created a stop motion gif of me eating a quesadilla. It's not exactly a fake miniature, but it uses the same blurring effect. If you pay close attention, you can see that I drink some of the water as well.

Seam Carving

In this part, I summed the absolute values of the grayscale x and y gradient to get an energy matrix. Then, I used dynamic programming to find the vertical or horizontal seam along the energy matrix that had the smallest energy. Then, I removed this seam, and repeated until I had removed a sufficient number of seams. In writing my code, I modelled some of the dynamic programming part of seam carving off of Sameep Tandon's open source work, found at

Working Examples

Horizontal Seam Carving - Jaffa Port: Before and After

This is an image of Jaffa Port off the coast of Israel. The image is taken from Wikipedia, and can be found at

Horizontal Seam Carving - Campanile at Night: Before and After

This is an image I took of the Campanile for Project 6

Horizontal Seam Carving - Halloween: Before and After

This is a photo of my roommate during Halloween of 2015

Vertical Seam Carving - Broadway Tower: Before and After

This image is taken from Wikipedia, and can be found at

Vertical Seam Carving - Basking Shark: Before and After

This image is taken from National Geographic, and can be found at

Vertical Seam Carving - Sunrise on Berkeley: Before and After

I took this photo back in 2014 for another class

Failed Examples

Failed Horizontal Seam Carving - Stairs: Before and After

This image comes from Wikipedia, and can be found at While this seam carving mostly works, you can see the railing on the sides gets chopped up and doesn't quite look right.

Failed Vertical Seam Carving - Golden Gate: Before and After

This is a picture I took while hiking back in 2015. Here, the dark shadow of my friend is interpreted as having the least energy, since it is a solid color and has little to no gradients. As a result, it is removed during seam carving.