CS 194 Final Project: Vertigo Shot and Seam Carving - Evan Sheng

Part 1: Vertigo Shot

The goal of this project was recreate the famous "Vertigo Shot" from Hitchcock's famous movie, Vertigo. This effect is also known as the dolly zoom

In order to recreate this, I obtained a camera witha zoom lens. Then, while shooting a subject, I zoomed in while stepping backwards while keeping the subject relatively the same size throughout each shot. Chaning these pictures together in a gif file creates the dolly zoom effect!

Results and Gifs shown below!

Lemon Bottle Gif
Wheel Gif

Part 2: Seam Carving

The goal of this project was to come up with a better way to resize images, outside of the normal crop, or proportionally resize. Instead, this project resizes the image by removing the least important information from a photo repeatedly until the desired size is reached. This process worked very well for most images, but not so great for others.

The algorithm used for this project has two parts. First, we needed to use an energy function to determine which pixels to remove. In the paper we were given, gradients of the image performed decently well as an energy function. Second, we must find a seam (a strip of vertical or horiontal pixels across the image that are 8 connected) with the lowest possible energy for us to remove. This is done via dynamic programming, where we look at the pixels energy function, and add the minimum of the parents of the pixel to find our seam's path. Examples are shown below, most of them have been carved both horizontally and vertically.

Originals Resized

In the images above, we see that this algorithm works pretty well to resize the images, as it removes many of the unimportant details while keeping the main focuses of the pictures. However, this doesn't work as well for some pictures, especially for ones with people in them, as it may cut parts of their bodies.

Originals Resized