CS194-26 Final Project - Alan Tang
Vertigo Shot (Dolly Zoom)


In this project, duplicated a famous in-camera effect: the dolly zoom. This camera movement is also known as the "Vertigo shot", referencing a famous scene in Hitchcock's Vertigo.

This effect is created by counteraction the physical motion of the camera/subject with the zoom, such that the object of focus remains the same size in the frame, but the zoom/focus of its surroundings expand or contract.

Example 1: Cup on Table

This is a small subject, with objects very close in background. Here, the effect is not as visible because of the arrangement of objects is very close (bells and whistles: different arrangments of camera and subject).

Example 2: Pail on Street

This is a small subject, with objects very far in the background. Here, the effect is very visible as an entire building comes into view because of the arrangement of objects is very distant (bells and whistles: different arrangments of camera and subject).

Bells and Whistles: Animated/Gif Form

This gifs are not that high quality because there are only 4 source images.