Fake Miniature

By Alex Jing (acw)


Tiltshift lens are used to produce very shallow depth of field, which often has a feel of fake miniature. This is because miniature is often shot with macro lens that has really shallow depth of field. To programmatically reproduce such effect, first, the user is asked to define a depth of field within the image. Once this is done, we use gaussian blur on the region out of the focus plane. This is to mimic the effect of out-of-focus bokeh. The farther away a pixel is from the depth of field, the more it is blurred. This part is done recursively. Once the blur is applied gradually as we move away from the depth of field, we increase the saturation of the image to give it that "fake miniature" feel.


Shot on Twin peak, San Francisco
A bird
London Aerial shot (online source)
Pinic scene (online source)