Final Project

Vincent Escueta

Vertigo Shot

To create the vertigo shot, instead of taking pictures, I decided to take a video. This entailed taking a video of a scene by walking towards an object while zooming out. The clips I recorded were about 30 seconds long. I took the recorded videos, added a video stabilzer effect from Adobe Premiere Pro, sped it up and stabilized it again. The results below are the results of 2 recorded videos

Newman Hall - Holy Spirit Parish in Berkeley
Church of Saint Francis from Assisi in San Francisco

During the process I used a Canon DSLR that had a 55mm lens. Difficulties I had included the shakiness of stepping while moving forward and trying to keep my focal object the same size while recording and stepping forward. Unfortunately as well, turning my videos in a gif destroyed the quality of the videos. The following are frames from the videos/gifs on top.

Shot 1 Frame 1
Shot 1 Frame 2
Shot 1 Frame 3
Shot 1 Frame 4
Shot 2 Frame 1
Shot 2 Frame 2
Shot 2 Frame 3
Shot 2 Frame 4

Fake Miniatures

In this section of the project, we are creating fake miniatures, also known as tilt shift. We are applying a mask to a specific region and blurring the rest

We accomplish this goal by doing the following:

  1. We select a LINE OF FOCUS which is a straight line that goes through the picture that would be the focus for the depth of field. The line of focus isn't only vertical or horizontal, but can be any staright line.
  2. Select a DEPTH OF FIELD (DOF) to represent how many pixels above and below the LINE OF FOCUS are in focus.
  3. Using the same number as the DOF, we use that number as the number as a base for the distance when to increase the BLUR. Every time we increase blur, amount of pixels the new blur will take up is doubled
  4. Increase the SATURATION of the image.
  5. Lastly, with all this information, we construct a fake miniature using multiresolution blending which includes using gaussian and laplacian stacks.

The following are the original images and the results of applying the tilt shift

Orange County Cathedral
Rose Garden in Focus
California Adventure
Water in Focus
The Bay
SF in Focus
Cloudy Bay
Water in Focus
Memorial Stadium
California Band in Focus
Japanese Tea Garden
Natasha in Focus

All the pictures had pretty great results, but I think the Orange Count Cathedral had the best results due to the horizontal line and the dolly in the Shrine of St. Francis also produced beautiful results. The class was fun and I'm glad I took it. For sure a highlight of my Fall 2017 semester.