Jesse Luo - CS194 Final Project

CS194-26 Final Project

By Jesse Luo

Final Project


I decided to do two different projects -- Vertigo Shot and Tilt Shift.

Vertigo Shot/dolly Zoom

The dolly zoom is a video camera effect first utilized in Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo. The effect relies on changing the camera's field of view, while simultaneously keeping the subject the same size within the frame. This results in a warping sensation that makes the background of the subject seem either deeper or more shallow. I emulated this technique by getting closer/zooming out at the same time. I then put the pictures together in a gif. Below are two results. I included a few still images from each sequence, as well as an animaged GIF to show the effect in motion.
Dolly zoom 1
Dolly zoom 2

Tilt Shift

When capturing a photograph of something far away, the image tends to have a large depth of field; most of the scene is in focus, with only the extreme foreground depicted as blurry. B Tilt-shift photography is a technique used to simulate a shallow depth of field. This technique can be applied during image capture, or can be simulated afterward using Gaussian blurring. When we apply tilt shift to a picture, it gives the sense. of minitiaurization. In order to digitally simulate tilt shift on an image, I first chose an area of the image to keep in focus. I use the points to determine how big the focus area is. Based on the distance from the focus point, the blur is different, this is done by creating a gaussian stack. We then sample from the gaussian stack at different points and from different parts of the stack based on how far away it is from the sample point. It gets blurrier as you get to the sides. Below are my results. On the left are the original images (some captured by me, and some from online); on the right are the tilt shift versions.


I really enjoyed this school year and the different projects. Tilt shift was really cool to implement!