CS194 Final Project: Focus on Miniatures and Vertigo Shot
Matthew Waliman, cs194-26-afq

Creating miniatures relies on faking a depth of field effect. We do this by blurring things that are further away from one portion of the image.

  1. Define the region that you want in focus. I defined both rectangular and circulare regions that I wanted to keep in focus.
  2. From that region of focus, definee concentric bands of the image. I did that by applying varying masks and gaussian blurring.
  3. Multiply thre masks by the image and gaussian blur in increasing magnitude of sigma from the center.
  4. Add all image bands together and increase saturation.
A suit of arms at the Chicago Art Institute

To duplicate the famous shot from Hitchcock's vertigo, I took pictures of the same object at different distances and zooms. As I moved closer to the object I zoomed out, maintaining the relative object size in the frame. In each frame that I get closer to the object, I lose more of the background but because the object remains relatively the same size from frame to frame it appears as if the background is zooming in and out. I used a Canon EOS t5i to capture these photos.