Fun with Frequencies and Gradients

CS194-26 Image Manipulation and Computational Photography

Jingxi Huang  cs194-26-aap 


The goal of the project is to create sharpened images by using the unsharp masking technique, to construct hybrid images by combining the low and high frequencies of two different images, to blend multi-resolution images using Gaussian and Laplacian stacks and finally to seamlessly blend an object or texture from a source image into a target image using poisson blending.

Part 1: Frequency Domain

Part 1.1: Unsharp Masking

To create the sharpening effect, I used the unsharp masking technique. For an image f and a Gaussian filter g, we can create a blurred image f * g and get the details of the image f - f * g by subtracting the blurred image from the original image. Then, we accentuating the high frequencies of the image by adding a times the detail of the image so that we get the sharpened image f + a(f - f * g)). In the following example, I choose the filter size half width to be approximatlely 3 * sigma when creating the gaussian filter.

original image
blurred image
detailed image
sharpened image
original image
blurred image
detailed image
sharpened image

Part 1.2: Hybrid Images

Hybrid images are static images that change in interpretation as a function of the viewing distance. The basic idea is that high frequency tends to dominate perception when it is available, but, at a distance, only the low frequency (smooth) part of the signal can be seen. By blending the high frequency portion of one image with the low-frequency portion of another, you get a hybrid image that leads to different interpretations at different distances.

To create hybrid images, we combined the low pass portion of one image(a blurred image f * g where g is the gaussian filter) with the high pass portion of another image(a Laplacian f - f * g). By adding them up, we get our hybrid image.

1.2.1 Derek + Nutmeg

low frequency derek
high frequency nutmeg
hybrid derek and nutmeg in gray

Bells & Whistles

low frequency derek
high frequency nutmeg
hybrid derek and nutmeg in color

1.2.2 More Results

Bingbing Fan
Chen Li
hybrid in gray
hybrid in color
Jason Statham
Leonardo DiCaprio
hybrid in gray
hybrid in color
Honglei Sun
hybrid in gray
hybrid in color

1.2.3 Failure Result

The following hybrid isn't that succesful since the background of Corgi is too bright so that we couldn't see the Husky very clearly when we are close to the image.

hybrid in gray
hybrid in color

1.2.4 Frequency Analysis

Below are the log magnitude of the Fourier transform of the two input images, the filtered images, and the hybrid image.

Bingbing Fan
Chen Li
low pass Bingbing Fan
high pass Chen Li
hybrid result

Part 1.3: Gaussian and Laplacian Stacks

By repeatedly applying a Gaussian filter with increasing size on the image, we get the Gaussian stack. After that, a Laplacian stack stores the difference between each two Gaussian stack and the last layer of Laplacian stack is the same as the last layer of Gaussian stack.

1.3.1 Lincoln

Lincoln Gaussian Stack

Lincoln Laplacian Stack

1.3.2 Hyrbrid Image of Bingbing Fan, Chen Li

Hybrid Gaussian Stack

Lincoln Laplacian Stack

Part 1.4: Multiresolution Blending

In order to blend two images seamlessly using a multi resolution blending, we compute the Gaussian stack GR for a given mask and Laplacian pyramids LA and LB for both images. Then we form the combined pyramid LS by using the pyramids we constructed and for each level, we have LS(i, j) = GR(i, j)LA(i, j) + (1 - GR(i, j))LB(i, j). Finally, we can reconstruct the image by adding all the layers together.

1.4.1 Orange + Apple

blending image in gray
Bells & Whistles: color blending

1.4.2 Candy + Candy

blending image in gray
Bells & Whistles: color blending

1.4.3 Irregular Mask: Sky + rainbow

Source Image
Target Image
Laplacian Pyramid Blending

Part 2: Gradient Domain Fushion

The primary goal of the second part of the project is to seamlessly blend an object or texture from a source image into a target image. Our goal was to implement gradient-domain blending, in which we blended an object from a source image s to a target image t. Instead of directly copying the pixels of source image, which will lead to unnatural blending due to the different color tone between source and target image, we are going to implement poisson blending. To implement the blending, we are going to solve the optimization with two constraint. First, we want the gradient of the target portion to be as similar as that of the source. Second, we want the similar gradient around the boundary so that we won’t see sharp edges.

Part 2.1: Toy Problem

By solving the x-gradients of v should closely match the x-gradients of s, the y-gradients of v should closely match the y-gradients of s for each pixel as well as keeping the top left corners of the two images should be the same color, we reconstruct the orignal image as shown below.

Original Image
Reconstructed Image

Part 2.2: Poisson Blending

Part 2.2.1 Poisson blending results

Penguin + Snow

Source Image
Target Image
Source Mask
Target Mask
Direct Copy
Poisson Blending

Rainbow + Sky

Source Image
Target Image
Source Mask
Target Mask
Direct Copy
Poisson Blending

UFO + City

Source Image
Target Image
Source Mask
Target Mask
Direct Copy
Poisson Blending

Part 2.2.2 Poisson blending failures

Street + Bicycle

Poisson blending fails in this case becasue the background of the source and target images are very different in the blue door. Also since the target has a background pattern that is different from the pattern of the source, poisson blending can only blend with the color but not create similar pattern in the target image.

Source Image
Target Image
Source Mask
Target Mask
Direct Copy
Poisson Blending

Bells & Whistles: Mixed Gradient

This is an example of using mixed gradient.The result is better than the poisson Blending since mixed gradient takes into account of both source image gradient si-sj and target image gradient ti-tj at the boundary of the portion that we want to blend. So that we will be able to keep some of the background pattern when doing the blending.

Source Image
Target Image
Direct Copy
Poisson Blending
Mixed Gadient

Part 2.2.2 Blending techniques comparison

In the following example, we can comparing the result of direct copy, laplacian pyramid blending, poisson blending and mixed gradient techniques. We can see that direct copy has the worst result since we will get very unnatural boundaries in the resulting image. In this case laplacian pyramid is also not working very well since the color of the source and target images are very different. Poisson blending works better because one of the constraint of poisson blending is to keep the gradient near the boundary to be small. Since the sky is pure in this case, poisson blending works well by making the boundary the same as that of the target image. For mixed gradient, the result is similar to poisson blending since there are not much pattern in the background of the target image so both techniques are working very well.

Source Image
Target Image
Direct Copy
LP Blending
Poisson Blending
Mixed Gradient

The Program

To run the program, put input images under corresponding directories, run

python3 sharpen img.jpg

python3 hybrid img1.jpg img2.jpg

python3 stack img.jpg

python3 blend img.jpg

python3 img1.jpg img2.jpg