Fall 2018
CS194-26: Image Manipulation and Computational Photography

Jack Wang
SID: 26862566

Project 3: Fun with Frequencies and Gradients!

Part1.1: Image Sharpening

The picture of the seal was sharpened by applying a averaging kernel of 3x3 with each element being 1/9. cv2.filter2D applied the kernel to the image and the resulting smooth image was subtracted out to sharpen it. The two images can be seen below.

Figure 1: Normal Seal

Figure 2: Sharpened Seal

Part1.2: Hybrid Images

I followed the instructions and I created a gaussian kernel for each picture. Then I make the low frequency of both images using scipy.signal.convolve2d and then for the high frequency one I created the high frequency by subtracting the original from the low frequency. At the end I combine the high and the low and return it. One of the issues I ran into was determining the size of the kernel. I mainly just used trial and error but on average the larger the picture the larger the kernel. As for colour I noticed that using colour generally enhances the effect especially with the Bear-Tiger hybrid. Below is the black and white for each one as well as the colour. Also below is an example of a failure. This one resulted because the kernel size was not appropriate and the two images have very different contrasts and thus resulted in just one image showing as the other one was blurred to oblivion.

Figure 1: BW derek nutmeg

Figure 2: Colour derek nutmeg

Figure 3: BW bear tiger

Figure 4: Colour bear tiger

Figure 5: Bear frequency

Figure 6: Tiger frequency

Figure 7: Bear filter frequency

Figure 8: Tiger filter frequency

Figure 9: Combined frequency

Figure 8: BW bear jack

Figure 9: Colour bear jack

Figure 10: a failure example. Other image blurred to oblivion due to too high of a kernel size.

Part1.3: Gaussian and Laplacian stacks

The gaussian were made simply by first creating a gaussian kernel and then repeatedly applying it on the original image. One issue I ran into was the fact that cv2.getGaussianKernel returns a 1d kernel so I had to multiply it with it's own transpose to make it 2d. The lapacian stack was made by subtracting the latest gaussian iteration from the last one seen. The last element of the laplacian stack was made the same as the last item of the gaussian stack.

Part1.4: Multiresolution Blending

First I make a mask by making one half of the image black and the other half white. Then I apply the process described by the paper to construct the blended imaged from my respective gaussian and lapacian stacks.

Figure 1: the apple

Figure 2: the orange

Figure 3: the applange

Figure 4: the oraple

Figure 1: the frypan bottom

Figure 2: the neptune

Figure 3: the fry pan neptune fusion

Figure 1: the jack

Figure 2: the psycho

Figure 3: the psycho jack.

Overview of part 2

For part two, most of the challenge is applying the same concepts of the toy problem (which was rather trivial with the objective functions given) to the harder objective function of the poisson merging. But once it was implemented it worked rather beautifully in achieving the desired results.

Part2.1: Toy Problem

For this part I simply populated the A matrix with the objective function as given and then solved it with least squares to get back the original image.

Figure 1: the reconstructed image

Part2.2: Poisson Blending

The first step of this problem was the figure out the objective function like in the toy problem. After some scratch work done on paper, I figured out the objective function which is rather similar to the toy problem. Then i got to work implementing the problem. The key is to understand the minimization equation. Essentially what it is saying is to find an image such that the difference at the borders is minimized and also the difference between neighbors in the new image is maintained as the original. So basically what it does is that it shifts the entire colouring of the source image to match it at the borders.

To implement it, I used the starter code linked on piazza to generate the masks. Once I had the masks, I wrote a function to match the source to the destination and create a naive paste-in result (v in the equation); it also returned offsets so I can index back into the source image for border information for the border cases.

Once that was done, it was only a matter of running the objective function with the masks as info to populate the A matrix and b vector and solve it like any other least squares problem. A few problems I ran into was first, I used a normal np array as my A matrix and it soon made my 8 gigabytes of memory dissappear. This was ameilorated by using a lil.matrix (my new rapper name) to populate it and then turn into a csr matrix to do the least squares. This significantly sped up the process. Also I ran into some values being too high so a simple clip at the very end solved that.

Other than that most of the pictures turned out pretty well, at least in terms of colour. However, if the background of the images do not match then there is no hope (look at the bear in woods example). The one failure I had was when I tried pasting a battleship in a tea cup. The resulting image turned the battleship gold. This is because in the source image the colouration of the battleship was very close to that of the water it sat in so when it got put in the tea cup, the water turned gold to match the target image and the battleship turned gold with it.

Lastly I compared the difference between poisson blending vs the multiresolution blending. Read more about it at the bottom.

Figure 1: the source image

Figure 2: the source mask

Figure 3: the target image

Figure 4: the target mask

Figure 5: the naive result

Figure 6: the blended result

More examples including failure

Figure 5: the naive result

Figure 6: the blended result

Figure 5: the naive result

Figure 6: the blended result. While the colours still look right, it doesn't look natural because the background's objects differ

Figure 5: the naive result

Figure 6: the blended result. The battleship turns gold because it was too similar to the original water which got turned gold to match the tea.

Comparing with multiresolution blending:

Figure 1: the jack

Figure 2: the psycho

Figure 3: using poisson blending

Figure 4: using stacks blending

The issue with blending with gaussian and laplacian stacks is that it only cares about the edges. After the edges it just eventually fades into the source image. As you can see in the example, my skin tone is a bit different from the psycho's skin tone thus at the middle of my forehead, it becomes white. However with poisson blending, not only does it just care about the border, it permeate the colour gradient of the target deep into the source and thus with the poisson blending my new tattoo matches the skin tone of my forehead.

The only place where poisson blending falls a bit short is that I think it overdid the darkening of the tattoos as it had to darken the whole shade but in reality the tattoo's lettering should have remained the same. This causes the tattoo to look a bit fake -- almost looks like it was drawn on with a sharpie :) . All in all I would say that the poisson blending looks generally better lacking only in that it darkened the whole tattoo but I guess unless you do some edge detection and ask it to ignore it then that would be perfect.

I think in general poission blending is better except for the one case where the two subjects have very similar background colour gradients. Then they would perform similarly. Also if you want more of a stitched together image with less of a seam but preserving their original colouration, blending with the stacks is better for that purpose.