CS 194-26 Project 4

Jason Zhang (zhang.j@berkeley.edu)

Project Spec: https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs194-26/fa18/hw/proj4/index.html

Creating a Morph Sequence

In this part, I generated a morph animation between my face to another person's face.

I began by defining feature correspondences between two images. Using these feature correspondences, I computed the Delaunay triangulation for both images as shown below.

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After computing the “mean shape”, I computed the affine transformation mapping each triangle to the mean Delaunay triangulation to produce the following mean warps:

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From left to right: OG pic of Jason, OG pic of Jason warped to mean shape, OG pic of Donald warped to mean shape, OG pic of Donald.

Now, I can simply average the warped images to produce the “Mid-way Face”:

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By varying the magnitude of the shape warping and cross-dissolve, I produced this warp sequence:

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Mean Population

I used this freely available dataset of Danes to compute average face by morphing each face to the average face shape and then cross-dissolving.

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Here are some examples of faces from the dataset morphed into the average shape.

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Here's my face warped to the average geometry and the average face warped to my face's geometry. It doesn't look very good unfortunately. Perhaps I don't look very Danish.

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I also produced caricatures by extrapolating from the population mean. They don't look very good because I don't look Danish at all.

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From left to right: Alpha = -0.1, -0.5, -0.9.

Changing my gender

Based on my results with Danish faces, I decided to try my luck with Chinese faces to which I would hopefully look more similar. Here are the faces of the average Chinese woman, the average Chinese man, and myself.

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Just as a quick sanity check, I recomputed the caricatures using the average Chinese man:

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From left to right: Alpha = -0.1, -0.5, -0.9.

These caricatures look pretty similar to the Danish caricatures (apparently I have a sharp chin, large forehead, and massive ears compared to any population), but at least my facial features look a lot more realistic.

Now back to gender reassignment.

I attempted to change my gender by converting all faces to mean geometry, and adding the difference between average female face and average male face:

text{Jason}_F = text{Jason}_M + (overline{text{Chinese}_F} - overline{text{Chinese}_M})
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From left to right: Jason as a male, Jason as a male warped to mean geometry, Jason as a female still in mean geometry, Jason as a female began in original geometry.

Female Jason looks remarkably similar to male Jason. I think maybe female Jason has redder lips and a rounder jaw line and thinner eyebrows.