Fall 2018

CS194-26 - Project 1

Face Morphing

Regina Ongowarsito - cs194-26-aeq


1: Morph Sequence

Danes database, 01-2m.jpg
Danes database, 05-2m.jpg
Finished morph sequence, 11 steps from 0.0 to 1.0
Midway Face

2: Average Face of Populations


Danes database, every picture
Before, 12-2f.jpg
After, Danes average shape applied
Before, 14-1f.jpg
After, Danes average shape applied
Before, 18-2m.jpg
After, Danes average shape applied
Warp with Danes Mean
Before warp to Danes average
Regina face to Danes average shape
Danes average face to Regina shape
CARICATURE: After warp to Danes average, where warp alpha is set to -1.0


Fei database, every picture
Fei database, females, neutral expression
Fei database, males, neutral expression
Warp with FEI mean - Switching Genders
Using difference between mean FEI male and mean FEI female
Warp to (original points + (FEI males average - FEI females average))
Warp to original points + (FEI males average - FEI females average), where warp alpha is set towards -1.0
Warp straight to FEI male average
Before, my face
Before, FEI male average
Cross dissolve only, 0.5 alpha
Warp only, 0.5 alpha
Cross-dissolve and warp, 0.5 alpha