CS 194-26 Project 5

Jason Zhang (zhang.j@berkeley.edu)

Project Spec: https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs194-26/fa18/hw/proj5/index.html

In this project, I played with some datasets from the Stanford Lightfield Archive. The images are taken from cameras in an evenly spaced grid. By appropriately making simple modifications to the images, I can recreate different effects.

Depth Refocusing

In this part, I recreate the effect of refocusing the camera depth. By averaging all the images by shifting all the cameras closer to the center, I can make it look like the cameras are focusing on a closer part of the image. Here is what that effect looks like on the Chess board:


Aperture Adjustment

Averaging a lot of images mimics a camera with a large aperture while averaging fewer images mimics a camera with a small aperture. To mimic cameras with different apertures focused on the same point, I can average over images from cameras that are within a certain distance from the optical center.

Here is the chess board again:


Here are some jelly beans:



I learned how simple it was to manipulate images from lightfields to create cool effects. I was also surprised how hard it was to get Flash player to work.